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  • It is Valentine's Day. And here at the NewsHour we want to mark the occasion by hearing from Matthew Hussey.
  • 情人节到了。为了应景,今天的《新闻一小时》请来了马修·哈斯。
  • He's a dating coach who tonight offers us his Brief But Spectacular take on modern love.
  • 作为约会教练的他,今晚将在《简短而精彩》中分享自己对现代爱情的看法。
  • I am known predominantly for dealing with people's relationships.
  • 大家都知道我的职业是处理恋人之间的关系。
  • Let's do a little glossary of sorts for the audience. Ghosting.
  • 那我们来为公众扫盲一下术语表吧,先来一个——“玩消失”。
  • So, ghosting is the term given to someone just falling off of the radar completely.
  • “玩消失”这个恋爱术语指的是雷达也拿他/她束手无策的人。
  • They were talking to you, and now they just vanished.
  • 上一秒还在跟你聊天,下一秒就人间蒸发了。
  • Bread-crumbing is different to the ghost. The ghost just vanishes.
  • “玩暧昧”与“玩消失”还不一样。“玩消失”只是人不见踪影而已。
  • The bread-crumber gives you a little bit, and then moves away.
  • 而“玩暧昧”则是给人若即若离的感觉。
  • So the bread-crumber's like the person who says, hey, how's your week going?
  • 举个例子,“玩暧昧”的那种人可能会问你:嘿,你这周过的咋样啊?
  • And they haven't texted you for three weeks. And then, a month later, they come back and they go, thinking of you.
  • 然后接下来的3周就不会给你发信息。然后,1个月后,他们又会出现,说什么想死你了。
  • In the dating environment today, sometimes, being higher maintenance is actually the thing that will work better for you.
  • 在当今的恋爱大环境下,有时候,严以律已是更适合大家的做法。
  • It's this race to the bottom, where everyone thinks that, oh, it's just fast-food dating,
  • 现在的大环境是逐底竞争,即所有人都会这样想:不过是快餐式约会而已嘛,
  • Tinder and Bumble and Match and all of these things that I just have to accept whatever treatment I'm given.
  • 那无论是Tinder、Bumble还是Match等等,我都会接受,来者不拒。
  • And if someone wants to meet with me, and it's five minutes from now, I should do it,
  • 然后,如果有人想跟我约会,而现在只有5分钟了,那我也要赶去,
  • because, if I don't do it, somebody else will, and this guy seems like a great guy.
  • 因为如果我不去,还会有别人去,而这个人看起来是个不错的对象。
  • The only way to stand out in dating today is to actually be more demanding than the next person.
  • 如今,在约会中脱颖而出的唯一方法就是比下一个人要求更高。
  • When a ship is sinking, and you see everyone running that way, follow the person who's walking that way.
  • 船在要沉没的时候,如果你看到所有人都往一个方向跑,那么你就应该跟着那个人一起跑。
  • For anyone who's watching something like this and says, why aren't we talking politics, science, culture, this is all of those things.
  • 有些看到这里的朋友可能会这样想:为什么我们不聊聊政治、科学和文化等等这些话题呢?
  • If you are in a toxic relationship, that poisons you everywhere else in your life.
  • 如果您正处在一段彼此折磨的恋情中的话,这样做也会对您生活的其他方面造成负面影响。
  • You don't think we'd have better politicians if they were happy in their relationships?
  • 大家难道不觉得如果政治家恋情甜蜜的话,在政坛也会表现得更好吗?
  • If things were good back home, and they were happy, and they felt connected, people would be better everywhere in their lives.
  • 如果家和,那么他们就会心情愉悦,就会感到自己与世界产生了联系,那么他们在生活的其他方面也会表现得更好。
  • You master relationships, you master your relationship with the world.
  • 如果能掌控自己与他人的关系,就能掌控自己与世界的关系。
  • I believe that right now is actually the greatest time in history to date.
  • 我认为,现在实际上是目前为止的黄金时期。
  • People en masse have lost the ability to go out there and meet people in real life.
  • 很多人都失去了走出去,在现实生活中见更多人的能力。
  • This is the best opportunity that you could ever have, if you are still a human being that knows how to talk to another human being,
  • 这是大家最好的机会,如果您还是一个知道如何与他人说话的人,
  • because you're not competing with most of the world. One of the greatest ways to stand out in dating right now today
  • 那是因为您还没有跟世界上的其他人去比较。如今,在约会中脱颖而出的一个最佳方法就是,
  • is to be someone who could still pick up the phone on an evening and say, hi, how you doing?
  • 晚上接起电话的时候还能说出:“嗨,你好吗?”这样的话的人。
  • I'm Matthew Hussey, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on love and relationships today.
  • 马修·哈斯,这是我本期带来的与爱情和恋人关系有关的《简短而精彩》。
  • And that's all you need to know.
  • 您的介绍十分详尽,感谢您。



JUDY WOODRUFF: It's Valentine's Day. And here at the NewsHour we want to mark the occasion by hearing from Matthew Hussey. He's a dating coach who tonight offers us his Brief But Spectacular take on modern love.


MATTHEW HUSSEY, Dating Coach: I am known predominantly for dealing with people's relationships.


QUESTION: Let's do a little glossary of sorts for the audience. Ghosting.




MATTHEW HUSSEY: So, ghosting is the term given to someone just falling off of the radar completely. They were talking to you, and now they just vanished. Bread-crumbing is different to the ghost. The ghost just vanishes. The bread-crumber gives you a little bit, and then moves away. So the bread-crumber's like the person who says, hey, how's your week going? And they haven't texted you for three weeks. And then, a month later, they come back and they go, thinking of you. In the dating environment today, sometimes, being higher maintenance is actually the thing that will work better for you. It's this race to the bottom, where everyone thinks that, oh, it's just fast-food dating, Tinder and Bumble and Match and all of these things that I just have to accept whatever treatment I'm given. And if someone wants to meet with me, and it's five minutes from now, I should do it, because, if I don't do it, somebody else will, and this guy seems like a great guy. The only way to stand out in dating today is to actually be more demanding than the next person. When a ship is sinking, and you see everyone running that way, follow the person who's walking that way. For anyone who's watching something like this and says, why aren't we talking politics, science, culture, this is all of those things. If you are in a toxic relationship, that poisons you everywhere else in your life. You don't think we'd have better politicians if they were happy in their relationships? If things were good back home, and they were happy, and they felt connected, people would be better everywhere in their lives. You master relationships, you master your relationship with the world. I believe that right now is actually the greatest time in history to date. People en masse have lost the ability to go out there and meet people in real life. This is the best opportunity that you could ever have, if you are still a human being that knows how to talk to another human being, because you're not competing with most of the world. One of the greatest ways to stand out in dating right now today is to be someone who could still pick up the phone on an evening and say, hi, how you doing? I'm Matthew Hussey, and this is my Brief But Spectacular take on love and relationships today.


JUDY WOODRUFF: And that's all you need to know.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
demanding [di'mændiŋ]


adj. 要求多的,吃力的

glossary ['glɔsəri]


n. 字典,辞典
[计算机] 词汇表

tinder ['tində]


n. 火绒,火种

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

maintenance ['meintinəns]


n. 维护,保持,维修,生活费用
n. 供给,

coach [kəutʃ]


n. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱





