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福克斯新闻: 威迪酒庄奖励员工带薪休假日

来源:可可英语 编辑:hepburn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • A work-day off, just for you.
  • 专门为你准备的工作日休假。
  • Wente Wines, the 135-year-old California family business, launched "make time" this year.
  • 威迪酒庄,加利福尼亚有着135年历史的家族企业,今年推出了“挤出时间”项目。
  • Amy Hoopes is president of Wente Vineyards:
  • 对此,威迪酒庄的现任总裁艾米·胡普斯说到:
  • "It's paid time off, and it's separate from your vacation days or your sick days,
  • “这个假是带薪休假,而且和我们员工正常的年假和病假是分开的,
  • And again it's us giving our employees a little nudge,
  • 又说回来了,这是我们给我们员工的一点点鼓励,
  • so they can, you know, step away from their job and still get paid for it,
  • 这样他们就可以,你懂的,一边休假一边领工资了,
  • and maybe catch an afternoon soccer game for their kid,
  • 说不定可以抽出个下午参加他们的孩子学校里的足球赛,
  • or, you know, a friend is flying through town and being able to get to the airport and meet them for a drink."
  • 或者在有朋友过来的时候能够到机场去和他们见见面喝一杯什么的。”
  • You earn up to a day off:
  • 员工们能争取到一天的假期是吗:
  • "What we do is we actually anchor it around your anniversary date,
  • “我们实际上是围绕着周年纪念日来安排这个假的,
  • so the first time you're eligible for "make time off" as we call it - is at your first year anniversary.
  • 也就是说,员工第一次有机会享受我们所谓的这个“挤出时间”假的时间是你进公司年满一年的时候。
  • And within 30 days surrounding your actual anniversary date,
  • 在那天左右的30天之内,
  • it's when you are gifted four hours on your first anniversary and eight hours after that every year."
  • 第一年员工可以获得4个小时的带薪休假,之后的每年则延长到8小时。”
  • Nearly all of Wente's employees are eligible for the additional paid day off.
  • 事实上,威迪酒庄几乎所有的员工都有资格享受这一额外的带薪休假日。
  • I'm Ginny Kosola.
  • 我是金妮·科索拉。


A work-day off, just for you. Wente Wines, the 135-year-old California family business, launched "make time" this year.
Amy Hoopes is president of Wente Vineyards: "It's paid time off, and it's separate from your vacation days or your sick days, And again it's us giving our employees a little nudge, so they can, you know, step away from their job and still get paid for it, and maybe catch an afternoon soccer game for their kid, or, you know, a friend is flying through town and being able to get to the airport and meet them for a drink."


You earn up to a day off: "What we do is we actually anchor it around your anniversary date, so the first time you're eligible for "make time off" as we call it - is at your first year anniversary. And within 30 days surrounding your actual anniversary date, it's when you are gifted four hours on your first anniversary and eight hours after that every year."
Nearly all of Wente's employees are eligible for the additional paid day off.
I'm Ginny Kosola.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

gifted ['giftid]


adj. 有天赋的,有才华的

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

anchor ['æŋkə]


n. 锚,锚状物,依靠,新闻节目主播,压阵队员





