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China News(翻译+字幕):公众对人类基因编辑的反应

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And this research has sent frog way throughout the public.
  • 这项研究在公众中引起巨大反响。
  • Many people shared their views with CGTN.
  • 许多人与CGTN分享了他们的观点。
  • And the reactions are mixed.
  • 公众的反应很多样。
  • A: I don't approve of this.
  • 路人甲:基本上应该是不赞同的吧。
  • I believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection.
  • 我相信达尔文的自然选择理论。
  • For innate changes in people I don't feel science has developed thoroughly enough.
  • 对于人的先天变化,我觉得科学发展得还不够彻底。
  • The security of this technology is currently unknown and will require a lot of verification to win over more believers.
  • 这项技术的安全性目前还不清楚,需要大量的验证才能让更多人相信。
  • The babies are safe against AIDS.
  • 这些婴儿不会感染艾滋病。
  • But what about the other side effects or diseases?
  • 但是其他副作用或疾病呢?
  • B: I think this is a good thing.
  • 路人乙:我觉得这个是个好事。
  • The purpose of this experiment is to fight AIDS not to change other genes.
  • 这个实验的目的是为了对抗艾滋病而不是改变其他的基因。
  • Aids used to be impossible to cure and it's a good thing to block the source of the disease at infant stage.
  • 艾滋病过去是不可能治愈的,在婴儿阶段阻断疾病的源头是一件好事。
  • C: If as scientists have said it has only changed the pathogenic genes of AIDS without changing other genes.
  • 路人丙:如果说就像科学家说的,它只改变了艾滋病的致病基因,而没有改变其他基因。
  • Then this is a scientific breakthrough.
  • 这是一个科学突破。
  • D: For genetic modification as long it is not human or food-related.
  • 路人丁:只要不是跟人体或与食物有关,就可进行基因改造。
  • I'm okay with it.
  • 我无所谓。
  • Life and death are part of nature and artificial intervention is unscientific in the long run.
  • 生命和死亡是自然的一部分,从长远来看,人工干预是不科学的。
  • F: The gene is innate and should not be interfered with by humans.
  • 路人王:基因是天生的,不应该被人类干扰。
  • If a genetically modified person produces offspring.
  • 如果一个转基因的人生产后代。
  • There will be uncertain factors.
  • 会有不确定因素。
  • I don't know what those will be later in life.
  • 我不知道以后会怎样。
  • But all of this violates ethics.
  • 但所有这些都违反了伦理。
  • G: Someone has been used as an experimental product since she was a child.
  • 路人李:从她还是个孩子的时候,就被用作实验产品。
  • This is cruel.
  • 这很残忍。
  • It could be very tragic also.
  • 也可能非常悲惨。



And this research has sent frog way throughout the public. Many people shared their views with CGTN. And the reactions are mixed.
A: I don't approve of this. I believe in Darwin's theory of natural selection. For innate changes in people I don't feel science has developed thoroughly enough. The security of this technology is currently unknown and will require a lot of verification to win over more believers. The babies are safe against AIDS. But what about the other side effects or diseases
B: I think this is a good thing. The purpose of this experiment is to fight AIDS not to change other genes. Aids used to be impossible to cure and it's a good thing to block the source of the disease at infant stage.
C: If as scientists have said it has only changed the pathogenic genes of AIDS without changing other genes. Then this is a scientific breakthrough.
D: For genetic modification as long it is not human or food-related.
I'm okay with it. Life and death are part of nature and artificial intervention is unscientific in the long run.
F: The gene is innate and should not be interfered with by humans. If a genetically modified person produces offspring. There will be uncertain factors. I don't know what those will be later in life. But all of this violates ethics.
G: Someone has been used as an experimental product since she was a child. This is cruel. It could be very tragic also.


gene-edited baby.jpg



重点单词   查看全部解释    
genetically [dʒe'netikəli]


adv. 遗传(基因)方面

ethics ['eθiks]


n. 道德规范

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

modification [.mɔdifi'keiʃən]


n. 修正,修饰,修改

innate ['in'eit]


adj. 天生的,固有的

approve [ə'pru:v]


v. 批准,赞成,同意,称许

artificial [.ɑ:ti'fiʃəl]


adj. 人造的,虚伪的,武断的

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

gene [dʒi:n]


n. 基因





