1. be good at 擅长的;精通的;能干的;
例句:The conductor is good at keeping the players together.
乐队指挥善于使表演者奏协调 。
2. buy out 买下…的股权(或产权);
例句:The bank had to pay to buy out most of the 200 former partners.
银行不得不花钱买下过去200名合伙人手中的大部分股权 。
3. be confronted with (问题、任务或困难)降临,使面临;
例句:There is always turmoil when humans are confronted with change.
当人类面对改变的时候,总是有混乱 。
4. in addition to 另外;加之;除…之外;
例句:In addition to the radio, newspapers were also a main source for information.
除了无线电广播外,报纸也是一种主要信息来源 。
5. play out (使)(戏剧性的事件)逐渐发生;(使)展开;
例句:We play out an imaginary confrontation in our mind.
我们的脑海中浮现出一种想象的冲突 。
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