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  • Roger Federer, the third-ranked tennis player in the world, withdrawing from next month's Rio Olympics and this summer's U.S. Open,
  • 世界排名第三的费德勒宣布退出于下个月举行的里约奥运会,
  • telling fans on Facebook that he needs 'more extensive rehab' on his surgically-repaired knee.
  • 以及美网公开赛,他在“脸书”上对粉丝表示,膝盖手术需要更多时间恢复。
  • Federer made the semifinals at Wimbledon, telling reporters there how he hurt himself while running a bath for his twin daughters,
  • 费德勒在今年温网打进半决赛,他在接受记者采访时表示,他在为双胞胎女儿放洗澡水时受伤,
  • ultimately forcing him to go under the knife in February.
  • 并被迫于今年二月进行了膝盖手术。
  • One stupid move and the seasons been completely different than what I expected it to be.
  • 一个举动让我的整个赛季发生了彻底改变。
  • Federer saying his doctors told him that he wants to play a few more injury-free years,
  • 费德勒的医生团队告诉他,如果想健健康康的多打几个赛季,
  • he needs to allow his knee and his body to recover, so he's ending his season early.
  • 他的身体和膝盖就需要彻底恢复,所以必须提前结束这个赛季。
  • The 17-time Grand Slam champ turns 35 during the Olympic Games.
  • 十七座大满贯奖杯得主将在下个月年满35岁。
  • He holds an Olympic gold in men's doubles and a silver in singles.
  • 他曾获得奥运会男双金牌以及男单银牌。
  • Chris Hoenig, FOX News.
  • 这是克里斯·赫尼希为您带来的福克斯新闻。



Roger Federer, the third-ranked tennis player in the world, withdrawing from next months Rio Olympics and this summers U.S. Open, telling fans on Facebook that he needsmore extensive rehabon his surgically-repaired knee.
Federer made the semifinals at Wimbledon, telling reporters there how he hurt himself while running a bath for his twin daughters, ultimately forcing him to go under the knife in February.




One stupid move and the seasons been completely different than what I expected it to be.
Federer saying his doctors told him that he wants to play a few more injury-free years, he needs to allow his knee and his body to recover, so hes ending his season early.
The 17-time Grand Slam champ turns 35 during the Olympic Games. He holds an Olympic gold in mens doubles and a silver in singles.
Chris Hoenig, FOX News.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终

extensive [iks'tensiv]


adj. 广泛的,广阔的,广大的





