1.lead to 导致
例句:A lack of prudence may lead to financial problems.
不够谨慎可能会导致财政上出现问题 。
2.start with 开始
例句:To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now.
一开始,她的压力很大,但现在已经好些了 。
3.whip up 鞭打
例句:I used to entertain at home quite a lot, and I can still whip up a fairly decent dinner party.
我原来经常在家自娱自乐,现在也还能迅速准备好一顿颇为像样的晚宴 。
4.turn out 关掉;结果是
例句:Some of Davis's tips are banal to say the least: If you are working from home, turn off the TV stands out.
戴维斯的一些诀窍至少可以说是平淡乏味的 。如果你在家中工作,关掉电视就是突出的一例 。