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NEWS Plus慢速英语:中国或将成为新能源全球领导者 外国专家谈中国二胎政策

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  • This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
  • 这里是NEWS Plus慢速英语,马克·格里菲思从北京为您报道新闻,下面是详细内容。
  • China is set to become the global leader in renewable technology, aiding the rise of a moderately prosperous society following the significant reforms implemented in the five-year plan.
  • 继根据五年计划实施重要改革之后,中国将成为可再生技术的全球领导者,助力中国小康社会的发展。
  • Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian Economic Research at HSBC, told Chinese journalists in Sydney that China will become a global leader in environmental technology as the sector becomes more globally important.
  • 汇丰银行亚洲经济研究部门联席主管弗雷德里克·诺依曼在悉尼接受中国记者采访时表示,环境技术在国际上扮演越来越重要的角色,而中国将成为环境技术的全球领导者。
  • Neumann said China leapfrogged certain technology, going to the advanced stuff more quickly and that's positive for China's anti-pollution policy.
  • 诺依曼表示,中国在这种技术上实现跨越式发展将更快进入先进阶段,同时对中国的防污染政策也有利。
  • China's move into this space likely adds competitive pressure on the renewable energy sector as the world slowly transitions into a green economy.
  • 目前世界正逐渐转型至绿色经济阶段,中国加大力度发展新能源,可能会加剧可再生能源领域的竞争压力。
  • Australia's former Foreign Minister Bob Carr said China will become a moderately prosperous society through the significant reform process that is creating a booming middle class which is expected to add an additional 850 million members by 2030.
  • 澳大利亚前外长鲍勃·卡尔表示,中国通过重大改革历程将会实现小康社会目标,中国中产阶级蓬勃发展,预计到2030年,中国中产阶级将达到8.5亿人。
  • Carr said, however, that the world is looking to China to implement its environmental reforms to create a "green" China.
  • 卡尔表示,世界期待中国进行绿色变革,创造绿色中国。
  • This is NEWS Plus Special English.
  • 这里是NEWS Plus慢速英语。
  • Experts say the relaxation of the family planning policy in China might be good news for those who want bigger families, but it imposes pressure on women who are reluctant to have a second child due to concerns of the financial cost of raising another child.
  • 专家表示,对那些想要大家庭的人来说,中国放宽计划生育政策是个好消息,但这同时也增加了不太愿意生二胎的女性的压力,因为她们对再抚养一个孩子的经济支出有所担忧。
  • Dr. Anna Smajdor, a reproduction and childbirth ethics expert at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, said that in many cases, it is not that women are not allowed to have more children, but that they do not want to.
  • 英国东安格利亚大学生殖和生育伦理学专家安娜·博士表示,在许多情况下,并不是女性不被允许生育更多孩子,而是她们不想这么做。
  • She said many countries are seeing a similar phenomenon, because if women have choice and economic freedom, they do not have as many babies, and they have them later in life thus further entrenching the aging population.
  • 她表示,许多国家存在这种类似的情况,因为如果女性可以自由选择并且拥有经济自由,那她们不会生太多的孩子,而在之后生孩子则会进一下加剧人口老龄化。



This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
China is set to become the global leader in renewable technology, aiding the rise of a moderately prosperous society following the significant reforms implemented in the five-year plan.
Frederic Neumann, co-head of Asian Economic Research at HSBC, told Chinese journalists in Sydney that China will become a global leader in environmental technology as the sector becomes more globally important.
Neumann said China leapfrogged certain technology, going to the advanced stuff more quickly and that's positive for China's anti-pollution policy.
China's move into this space likely adds competitive pressure on the renewable energy sector as the world slowly transitions into a green economy.
Australia's former Foreign Minister Bob Carr said China will become a moderately prosperous society through the significant reform process that is creating a booming middle class which is expected to add an additional 850 million members by 2030.
Carr said, however, that the world is looking to China to implement its environmental reforms to create a "green" China.




This is NEWS Plus Special English.
Experts say the relaxation of the family planning policy in China might be good news for those who want bigger families, but it imposes pressure on women who are reluctant to have a second child due to concerns of the financial cost of raising another child.
Dr. Anna Smajdor, a reproduction and childbirth ethics expert at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom, said that in many cases, it is not that women are not allowed to have more children, but that they do not want to.
She said many countries are seeing a similar phenomenon, because if women have choice and economic freedom, they do not have as many babies, and they have them later in life thus further entrenching the aging population.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
competitive [kəm'petitiv]


adj. 竞争的,比赛的

reproduction [.ri:prə'dʌkʃən]


n. 再现,复制,生殖,幼树

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

ethics ['eθiks]


n. 道德规范

additional [ə'diʃənl]


adj. 附加的,另外的

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

implement ['implimənt,'impliment]


n. 工具,器具; 当工具的物品
vt. 实施

impose [im'pəuz]


v. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)





