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  • Award-winning Ugandan education activist Beatrice Ayuru says thousands of girls have reached her dream of a good education for Ugandan children.
  • 获奖的乌干达教育活动人士比阿特丽斯·阿玉如说,数千名女孩已经实现自己的梦想,也就是让乌干达儿童获得良好的教育。
  • But she says the struggle to guarantee schooling for all is far from over.
  • 但她说让每个孩子都上学的工作还远未结束。
  • Ms. Ayuru spoke to VOA before appearing at a TEDx event in Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 阿玉如在参加瑞士日内瓦TEDx活动之前接受了美国之音的采访,
  • TED is a nonprofit group that works to share information and ideas by organizing short, public speeches.
  • TED是一个非盈利组织,致力于通过组织短小的公众演讲来分享信息和理念。
  • For her TED talk, Ms. Ayuru discussed her long and successful struggle to establish a school in a rural area of northern Uganda.
  • 在她的TED讲话中,阿玉如谈到自己为在乌干达北部农村地区建立学校所做的长期、成功奋斗故事。
  • In 2000, she opened Lira Integrated School in a poor area of the city of Lira.
  • 2000年,她在里拉市的贫困地区开办了里拉综合学校,
  • At the time, the rebel Lord's Resistance Army was terrorizing the area's population with murder, torture and child kidnappings.
  • 当时,叛军“上帝抵抗军”用谋杀、酷刑和儿童绑架手段对该地区人民实行恐怖主义。
  • The story of Ms. Ayuru's activism begins in own childhood. She was one of 16 children in a polygamous family.
  • 阿玉如的活动精神始于童年,她是一个一夫多妻制家庭16个孩子中的一员,
  • Her father valued education and supported her desire for it.
  • 她的父亲重视教育,支持她接受教育。
  • But she said the poverty and cultural barriers affecting women in her society worked against her.
  • 但她说,当地社会的贫困和阻碍妇女的文化障碍对自己不利。
  • "I would say the environment shaped me a lot. Even while I felt I was going through hard moments, but others girls were worse than me.
  • “可以说环境在很大程度上塑造了我,即使我觉得自己在经历苦难时刻,但也有别的女孩处境更糟,
  • They were forced into early marriages. They were not given opportunity to be in school. It was a very painful life."
  • 她们被迫早早结婚,没有上学的机会,这是终身的痛苦。”
  • She graduated from high school to become the first student from her school to gain admission to a national university.
  • 她高中毕业后成为学校第一名被录取到国立大学的学生,
  • After completing a degree from Makerere University she began teaching.
  • 在从麦克雷雷大学完成学位后她开始任教。
  • At age 19, Ms. Ayuru had just become the mother of the second of her six children. She had no money.
  • 19岁那年,阿玉如有了第二个孩子,她总共生了6个孩子,
  • But her father gave her land. She says it was the need to support her children that made her work hard.
  • 她没有钱,但她父亲给了她土地。她说是养活孩子的需要让她努力工作。
  • "I realized what I had was land. I am already teaching, but I am not earning salary, so I started with planting cassava.
  • “我意识到自己只有土地,我当时在教书,但没有挣工资,所以我开始种植木薯,
  • That was all I could afford, using my energy because I could not employ people to do anything."
  • 这是我所能做的,因为我无法雇佣别人来做事,只能靠自己的力气。”
  • Later, she opened some small businesses. Money from those and the cassava crop helped her build the school in 2000.
  • 后来她开班了些小企业,从中挣的钱和木薯的收益帮助她在2009年开办了学校,
  • But continuing attacks from the Lord's Resistance Army threatened the school.
  • 但来自“上帝抵抗军”的不断袭击也威胁到学校。
  • "During the war, we would always run with the children from school to the town to hide them.
  • “在战争期间,我们总是和孩子们从学校逃到镇上,把孩子们藏起来,
  • Then, during the day we collected them from town again to come and have lessons."
  • 然后白天我们把他们从镇上接过来回来上课。”
  • In 2007, the LRA lost its fight for control of northern Uganda and fled the area.
  • 2007年,“上帝抵抗军”在企图控制乌干达北部的战争中失败,
  • Beatrice Ayuru's school has been doing well ever since. It teaches 1,500 students from nursery through high school.
  • 比阿特丽斯·阿玉如的学校自此开始运转良好,学校接收了从幼儿园到高中的1500名学生,
  • The cost to attend is about 90 dollars a year. Many parents cannot pay.
  • 学费每年90美元。很多父母支付不起,
  • So the school gives financial help to 100 children who lack money but show promise.
  • 所以学校给100名缺钱但有希望的学生提供资助。
  • Lira Integrated School accepts both girls and boys.
  • 里拉综合学校接收男生和女生,
  • Ms. Ayuru says having both sexes study together is important because it helps boys to respect girls.
  • 阿玉如说男女同校很重要,能让男孩尊重女孩。
  • In 2009, the school founder took steps toward building a university. Beatrice Ayuru says she is getting closer to reaching her dream. I'm Jeri Watson.
  • 2009年,这位办学者迈出了开办大学的步伐,阿玉如说她正一步步接近自己的梦想。我是杰瑞·沃森。



1.But she said the poverty and cultural barriers affecting women in her society worked against her.


work against 对…不利;违背


Her testimony works against his chance of success as a politician.


Some members of the other party are working against suggested changes in the law.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
poverty ['pɔvəti]


n. 贫困,贫乏

corn [kɔ:n]


n. 谷物,小麦,玉米
v. 形成(颗粒状),

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

resistance [ri'zistəns]


n. 抵抗力,反抗,反抗行动;阻力,电阻;反对

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

politician [.pɔli'tiʃən]


n. 政治家,政客

testimony ['testiməni]


n. 证明,证据

rebel ['rebəl]


n. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者
adj. 造反的,





