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  • From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.
  • 美国之音慢速英语节目,这里是经济报道。
  • The world is getting older. As more people retire each year, fewer working-age people will be there to replace them.
  • 世界逐渐趋于老龄化。随着每年越来越多人退休,越来越少适龄工作人群取代他们。
  • This has effects not only in the work place but in the world finance. The bond rating agency Moody's says the aging population will lead to a drop in household savings.
  • 这不仅影响工作领域,还会影响全世界金融领域。债券评级机构穆迪表示,人口结构老化将导致家庭储蓄减少。
  • This could mean that total investments will fall and economic growth could slow.
  • 这意味着整体投资将会减少,经济增长将会减缓。
  • Some reports have described Japan, Italy and Germany as the world's "Super Aged" nations.
  • 一些报告描述日本,意大利和德国为世界“超级老龄化”国家。
  • That is the name for countries in which at least 20 percent of the population is at least 65 years old.
  • 这个名字用于形容至少20%的人口为65岁或更老的国家。
  • Elena Duggar is head of Moody's Sovereign Risk Division. She says changes in many populations are taking place quickly.
  • Elena Duggar是穆迪主权风险分配部门负责人。她表示,许多国家人口方面的变化发生得非常迅速。
  • "The demographic transition is upon us now and its progressing, by historical standards, quite rapidly," Duggar said.
  • “人口统计学的转变正在发生,而且在不断进展,根据历史的标准来看,而且变化得非常快。”
  • In five years, six more countries will join the list of "Super Aged" nations. And 34 nations will be super aged by the year 2030.
  • 五年内,六个国家将加入“超级老龄化”国家的行列。截止到2030年,将有34个国家成为超级老龄化国家。
  • Elena Duggar says this will have a big influence on labor and savings.
  • Elena Duggar表示,这将对劳动力和储蓄产生重大影响。
  • "That will translate into reductions in labor supply.
  • “这将导致劳动力供应量的减少。
  • At the same time aging means that the household savings rates will go down, which will negatively impact on investment.
  • 与此同时,老龄化意味着家庭储蓄率下降,对投资造成消极影响。
  • Both trends put together would mean that aging will have a significant negative impact on global growth," Duggar said.
  • 这两个趋势联合起来意味着老龄化将会对全球增长造成非常消极的影响。”
  • The Conference Board reports on business conditions around the world.
  • 世界大型企业联合会对全世界的企业状况进行报告。
  • It says an aging population could reduce world economic growth by one percent in the next ten years.
  • 该机构表示,未来十年,人口老龄化将使全球经济增长减缓一个百分点。
  • Kishore Kulkarni is with the Metropolitan State University of Denver.
  • Kishore Kulkarni是丹佛州立大都会大学工作人员。
  • He says immigration is one way to reduce the effects of an aging population.
  • 他表示,移民是降低人口老龄化影响的一个途径。
  • Older adults spend money differently than younger ones. And experts say that difference affects the economies of countries.
  • 较年长的成年人支出方式与年轻人有所不同。专家表示,这些不同会影响国家的经济。
  • But Kishore Kulkarni believes that specialized career training and productivity gains from technology could make up for the drop in the number of workers.
  • 但是Kishore Kulkarni相信,专业职业培训和科技带来的生产力进步可以弥补劳动力数量减少的影响。
  • He says the problems of an aging population represent only a mismatching or misalignment of the demand for goods.
  • 他表示,人口老龄化的问题只代表对货物需求的不匹配。
  • "It is a misalignment of demand rather than a total and a drastic change in the demand. And it is a challenge which we can easily accept and tackle as it comes to us," Kulkarni said.
  • “这只代表需求的不平衡,而不是需求的总体或急剧变化。这是我们非常容易接受和处理的挑战。”
  • He also says that an aging population will be less of a problem in countries where older people are highly valued.
  • 他还表示,在老年人受到高度重视的国家,人口老龄化的问题相对不是那么大。
  • And most experts agree that younger workers will have to work longer and retire later than today's older workers.
  • 大部分专家赞同,较年轻的工作人员将比今天的老年人工作更长时间,退休时间更迟。
  • And that's the Economics Report from VOA Learning English.
  • 以上就是今天的美国之音慢速英语经济报道。
  • For more Learning English programs, go to our website And follow us on Facebook and Twitter. I'm Mario Ritter.
  • 要学习更多英语内容,请登录我们的网站。也可以登录我们的facebook和twitter页面。我是Mario Ritter。



From VOA Learning English, this is the Economics Report.


The world is getting older. As more people retire each year, fewer working-age people will be there to replace them. This has effects not only in the work place but in the world finance. The bond rating agency Moody's says the aging population will lead to a drop in household savings. This could mean that total investments will fall and economic growth could slow.


Some reports have described Japan, Italy and Germany as the world's "Super Aged" nations. That is the name for countries in which at least 20 percent of the population is at least 65 years old.


Elena Duggar is head of Moody's Sovereign Risk Division. She says changes in many populations are taking place quickly.


"The demographic transition is upon us now and its progressing, by historical standards, quite rapidly," Duggar said.


In five years, six more countries will join the list of "Super Aged" nations. And 34 nations will be super aged by the year 2030.


Elena Duggar says this will have a big influence on labor and savings.


"That will translate into reductions in labor supply. At the same time aging means that the household savings rates will go down, which will negatively impact on investment. Both trends put together would mean that aging will have a significant negative impact on global growth," Duggar said.


The Conference Board reports on business conditions around the world. It says an aging population could reduce world economic growth by one percent in the next ten years.


Kishore Kulkarni is with the Metropolitan State University of Denver. He says immigration is one way to reduce the effects of an aging population. Older adults spend money differently than younger ones. And experts say that difference affects the economies of countries.


But Kishore Kulkarni believes that specialized career training and productivity gains from technology could make up for the drop in the number of workers. He says the problems of an aging population represent only a mismatching or misalignment of the demand for goods.


"It is a misalignment of demand rather than a total and a drastic change in the demand. And it is a challenge which we can easily accept and tackle as it comes to us," Kulkarni said.


He also says that an aging population will be less of a problem in countries where older people are highly valued. And most experts agree that younger workers will have to work longer and retire later than today's older workers.


And that's the Economics Report from VOA Learning English. For more Learning English programs, go to our And follow us on Facebook and Twitter. I'm Mario Ritter.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
competent ['kɔmpitənt]


adj. 有能力的,胜任的,足够的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

dramatic [drə'mætik]


adj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的

demographic [.di:mə'græfik]


adj. 人口统计学的

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

ecological [.ekə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 生态的,生态学的

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

breakthrough ['breik.θru:]


n. 突破





