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- New MacArthur Fellows announced today, commonly called the genius grants.
- 新一届麦克阿瑟奖获得者已于昨天公布,麦克阿瑟奖俗称为“天才奖”。
- Seven of the 21 fellows are mathematicians or scientists. And another is a science historian.
- 获奖人数共21名,其中7人为数学家和科学家,其余14人均为科学历史家。
- “My name is Pamela Long,
- “我的名字叫Pamela Long,
- and I'm a historian of 15th and 16th century Europe, of the history of science and technology and cultural history.
- 我是个历史学家,专门研究欧洲15世纪到16世纪的科学史和文化史。
- So I'm interested in the processes that occur when infrastructure projects are undertaken…
- 我对基础设施的建设过程感兴趣,
- what I'm very interested in is the relationship between practitioners
- 对实习生之间的关系及有学问的大学生尤其感兴趣。
- who understand engineering and have trained onsite to, say, repair bridges or repair aqueducts and learned people, people with university training…
- 这些实习生懂得什么是工程,他们经过实地训练,参加过桥梁、沟渠等的修复工作。”
- "So you have this communication between practitioners and learned people and I argue that that's important for the development of the new sciences.
- “我认为你和这些实习生以及有学问的人之间进行的交流对新科学的发展是有重要意义的。
- People call it the scientific revolution.
- 人们把它叫做科学变革。
- It was a time when investigating the natural world,
- 在人们探索大自然的那段时期,
- the methods shifted to empirical methods, to measurement and mathematical analysis,
- 这种方法被糅合到实证法、测量和数学分析法中,
- so engineering became part of learned culture in a sense,
- 因此,在某种意义上说,工程学已成为了学习文化的一部分,
- and that that broad context is important for the development of new methodologies."
- 这个大背景对新方法的发掘至关重要。”
New MacArthur Fellows announced today, commonly called the genius grants. Seven of the 21 fellows are mathematicians or scientists. And another is a science historian.
“My name is Pamela Long, and I'm a historian of 15th and 16th century Europe, of the history of science and technology and cultural history. So I'm interested in the processes that occur when infrastructure projects are undertaken…what I'm very interested in is the relationship between practitioners who understand engineering and have trained onsite to, say, repair bridges or repair aqueducts and learned people, people with university training…
“我的名字叫Pamela Long,我是个历史学家,专门研究欧洲15世纪到16世纪的科学史和文化史。我对基础设施的建设过程感兴趣,对实习生之间的关系及有学问的大学生尤其感兴趣。这些实习生懂得什么是工程,他们经过实地训练,参加过桥梁、沟渠等的修复工作。”

“So you have this communication between practitioners and learned people and I argue that that's important for the development of the new sciences. People call it the scientific revolution. It was a time when investigating the natural world, the methods shifted to empirical methods, to measurement and mathematical analysis, so engineering became part of learned culture in a sense, and that that broad context is important for the development of new methodologies.”
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/broadcast/201409/329460.shtml