听对话练习听力Listen 56:Dad Is Ill
DIALOGUE 56:Dad Is Ill1--Dad was really bad-tempered last night. And it's not like him. He used to like meeting my friends.2--Well, I'm afraid you've come at rather a bad time.1--Wha...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 55:I'm a Bit Fed Up
DIALOGUE 55:I'm a Bit Fed Up1--You're not looking very cheerful. What's the matter with you?2--Oh, nothing special. I'm just a bit fed up.1--With the job?2--With everything, wit...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 54:Education in Britain
DIALOGUE 54:Education in Britain1--At what age do children start school in your country?2--At five.1--Do boys and girls go to school together?2--Yes, they do.1--Do you think this is a good idea?2--Ye2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 53:Benefits of Having a Student Card
DIALOGUE 53:Benefits of Having a Student Card1--Do English students have to pay for their education?2--No, the fees are usually paid by the state.1--Do they get a grant as well?2--Yes, most of them g2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 52:About School
DIALOGUE 52:About School1--How many hours a week do you work, Sue?2--We have to start at nine o'clock in the morning. but I'm always at school by a quarter past eight, in fact. Erm, we fi...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 51:Goiing to School
DIALOGUE 51:Goiing to School1--Go really fast,Cindy!2--I can'. The speed limit here is thirty miles an hour.1--What a pity! I love going fast.2--How do you usually get to school?1--We never go...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 50:The First Gliding Lesson
DIALOGUE 50:The First Gliding Lesson1--What was your first gliding lesson like?2--If was very interesting.1--How did you start?2--Well, the instructor showed me the controls.1--What happened next?2--2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 49:Talking About Computers
DIALOGUE 49:Talking About Computers1--Do you know much about computers?2--Not a great deal.1--I've just been reading an article about them. They are used for all sorts of things now.2--For ac...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 48:Talking About Music
DIALOGUE 48:Talking About Music1--Do you want black or white coffee?2--White, please.1--Look! There's a folk concert tomorrow evening. Do you want to go?2--I don't like folk music very mu...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 47:Learning to Play the Guitar
DIALOGUE 47:Learning to Play the Guitar1--I have started learning to play the guitar.2--Have you?1--And I've always been intereste in... I've never had the time, and...2--So you've b...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 46:Talking About Films
DIALOGUE 46:Talking About Films1--What a pity we couldn't see Star Wars last night!2--Yes, it was a pity. I've always wanted to see it. Everyone says it's really great film.1--What ...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 45:I Intend to Go to University
DIALOGUE 45:I Intend to Go to University1--You've just left school, haven't you, Sheila?2--Yes, I finished last Friday.1--You sound relieved.2--Well, yes. I don't mind admitting that...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 44:No Student politics
DIALOGUE 44:No Student politics1--But what about the future after University? What do you want to do?2--Well, firstly I'm interested in getting a degree and that takes three or four years, rem...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 43:An Appointment
DIALOGUE 43:An Appointment1--Good afternoon, sir.2--Good afternoon. I have an appointment with Mr Blake. My name is Ahmed Ali.1--Ah yes, your appointment is at 4:15. Can you wait a moment, please,2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
听对话练习听力Listen 42:Applying for a job
DIALOGUE 42:Applying for a job1--Good morning. My name's James Goodman.2--Ah, good morning, Mr Goodman. Nice to meet you. I'm Peter Banks from Personnel. Do sit down.1--Thank you very muc...2007-12-07 编辑:alex 标签:
在更衣室中细致谈论各种避孕方式,以及这些避孕方式优缺点的频率有多高?[ -
碳酸氢盐的浓度在不同组织中变化不大,但有一个明显的例外。 - 3
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