As I thumb the throttle on my snowmobile, it skitters and glides across a sea of snow and ice.
In the dusky twilight, the landscape is painted in shades of ethereal blue.
I'm heading back to town after spending the day crisscrossing a frozen fjord, one of many in Norway's Svalbard archipelago, a cluster of mountainous islands in the high Arctic where auroras often dance overhead and narwhals, belugas, and walruses patrol the seas.
It's March, and the sun finally returned to the sky here about a month ago.
I'm with a half dozen scientists who are hunting peculiar landforms called pingos -- or, more specifically, the microbes that live within them.
Anchored in permafrost, these domes range in size from mounds to small hills and seasonally expand and contract as water seeping through them freezes and thaws. They're like an icy eruption in slow motion.
Temperatures hover around minus 15°F as the bundled-up, rifle-toting scientists make multiple trips each day to their study sites, where they collect ice cores and water samples while keeping an eye out for polar bears.
The microbes populating the pingos could offer a glimpse at how alien life might survive on other worlds in the solar system -- icy moons with global seas tucked beneath frozen rinds.
"That's because, in winter, life inside the pingo doesn't rely at all on solar energy -- it's only using chemical energy," says microbiologist Dimitri Kalenitchenko of Norway's University of Tromso, who is leading the project.
The story of sunlight-starved life on Earth is relatively new.
For a long time, "we still thought life on this planet was largely restricted to the surface, and entirely dependent on photosynthesis," says Barbara Sherwood Lollar, a geologist at the University of Toronto who studies microbes living deep within the Earth.
Then, in the late 1970s, the Alvin submersible explored a dark oceanic hydrothermal vent near the Galápagos Islands, discovering a flourishing ecosystem about a mile and a half beneath the ocean's surface, and forever changed our conceptions of life's limits.
"It's one of the things that forces us to be humble," Sherwood Lollar says. "To think that even on our own planet we are still finding processes, still finding environments that we didn't know existed."
Similarly, scientists used to think a world's habitability depended on its distance from the sun. But that picture is incomplete.
Now three faraway moons, warmed by the gravitational tug and pull of the giant planets they orbit, tempt scientists with their promises of alien life in their oceans:
Jupiter's moon Europa, where a salty sea containing more water than Earth's oceans sloshes beneath an ice shell;
and Saturn's moons Enceladus -- a small, ice-encrusted world with a global ocean that erupts through fractures in its south pole;
and Titan, with its unearthly terrain of liquid hydrocarbon lakes on its surface and an ocean nestled within its interior.
Observations suggest that each moon has the chemistry, water, and energy needed to support life as we know it, and maybe don't know it.
We might soon learn if these seas are inhabited.
A European Space Agency spacecraft called JUICE is on its way to the Jovian system to surveil the giant planet and its icy moons, including Europa.
Next year, NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft will also set sail for Europa, on a quest to solve the mysteries of its crust and salty sea.
And later this decade, the U.S. space agency's Dragonfly mission will send an octocopter to Titan, carrying a suite of instruments that could detect signs of life on the hazy moon's surface. Missions to Enceladus are being planned too.
"It's a really exciting time to be a planetary scientist," says Morgan Cable of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "We could, for the first time in human history, find life somewhere else."