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来源:可可英语 编辑:sara   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "I remember a mom came with her two kids," Davis says.
  • “我记得一位母亲带着她的两个孩子来过,”戴维斯说。
  • "It was their first night at the shelter, and her child had a birthday.
  • “这是他们在庇护所的第一个晚上,她的孩子过生日。
  • We had an extra gift for her—pink headphones.
  • 我们为她准备了一份额外的礼物——粉红色耳机。
  • The little girl was so excited. She was jumping up and down.
  • 小女孩非常兴奋,上蹿下跳的。
  • And her sister was so excited. And I'm so excited. And her mom ... she's crying.
  • 她姐姐很兴奋,我也非常兴奋。她的妈妈......哭了。
  • 'You have no idea what we've been through for the last 24 hours,' she told me.
  • ‘你不知道我们在过去的24小时里经历了什么,’她告诉我,
  • 'Yesterday was her birthday. I had nothing to give her.
  • ‘昨天是她的生日。我没有礼物送给她。’
  • We went through so much trauma, and today we're here in a shelter.
  • 我们经历了太多的创伤,今天我们在这个庇护所。
  • I never imagined we would ever need to be in a shelter.
  • 我从没想过我们会需要去庇护所。
  • I didn't know what to expect.
  • 我不知道会发生什么,
  • But I really didn't expect a birthday party for my child.'
  • 但我真的没想到我的孩子会有一个生日聚会。’
  • I had to walk away and wipe away some tears."
  • 我不得不走开,擦去留出的眼泪。”
  • Doing her best to normalize these kids' lives is both heartwarming and bittersweet, Davis says.
  • 戴维斯说,她尽最大努力让这些孩子过正常的生活,这既温暖人心,又苦乐参半。
  • "We're on this rooftop. It's this beautiful view. The sky is gorgeous.
  • “我们在屋顶上,景色迷人,天空很美,
  • You're above everything. But if you look down, you see homeless person after homeless person on the street,
  • 你站在高处。但如果往下看,你会看到街上一个又一个无家可归的人,
  • and it reminds you that these kids don't get to leave this area after the party."
  • 这会提醒你,这些孩子不能在聚会结束后离开这个地区。”
  • It may be why, after throwing 88 parties, she still cries after each one.
  • 也许这就是为什么在举办了88场派对之后,她仍然会在每个派对后哭泣。
  • "I want to bring all these kids home, but we have a very small apartment," she jokes.
  • “我想把这些孩子都带回家,但我们的公寓很小,”她开玩笑说。
  • Davis suffered a second miscarriage before finally having a child—she and Kadin have two now, ages two and four.
  • 戴维斯第二次流产后终于有了孩子,她和卡丁现在有两个孩子,分别是两岁和四岁。
  • But she credits the kids in the shelter with helping her hold on to hope.
  • 但她相信庇护所里的孩子们给了她希望。
  • "We didn't realize how much joy they were going to bring us," she told CBS News. "And that was so healing for me."
  • “我们没有意识到他们会给我们带来多少快乐,”她告诉CBS新闻,“这对我来说真是太好了。”


"I remember a mom came with her two kids," Davis says.


"It was their first night at the shelter, and her child had a birthday.


We had an extra gift for herpink headphones.


The little girl was so excited. She was jumping up and down.


And her sister was so excited. And I'm so excited. And her mom ... she's crying.


'You have no idea what we've been through for the last 24 hours,' she told me.


'Yesterday was her birthday. I had nothing to give her.


We went through so much trauma, and today we're here in a shelter.


I never imagined we would ever need to be in a shelter.


I didn't know what to expect.


But I really didn't expect a birthday party for my child.'


I had to walk away and wipe away some tears."


Doing her best to normalize these kids' lives is both heartwarming and bittersweet, Davis says.


"We're on this rooftop. It's this beautiful view. The sky is gorgeous.


You're above everything. But if you look down, you see homeless person after homeless person on the street,


and it reminds you that these kids don't get to leave this area after the party."


It may be why, after throwing 88 parties, she still cries after each one.


"I want to bring all these kids home, but we have a very small apartment," she jokes.


Davis suffered a second miscarriage before finally having a childshe and Kadin have two now, ages two and four.


But she credits the kids in the shelter with helping her hold on to hope.


"We didn't realize how much joy they were going to bring us," she told CBS News. "And that was so healing for me."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shelter ['ʃeltə]


n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护
v. 庇护,保护,

healing ['hi:liŋ]


n. 康复,复原 adj. 有治疗功用的

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

trauma ['trɔ:mə]


n. 精神创伤,外伤





