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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Demi and Emma are close, and all three get on great as a big blended family.
  • “黛米和艾玛很亲密,在这个组合的大家庭里,三人相处得很好。
  • There are no issues at all. Emma needed to stay in L.A. with the young kids."
  • 没有任何矛盾。艾玛需要和孩子们待在洛杉矶。”
  • Indeed when Moore posted another photo of herself and Willis and their daughters in matching pajamas
  • 的确,当摩尔又晒了一张她和威利斯以及他们的女儿们穿着同款睡衣的照片,
  • and captioned it "family bonding," Heming quickly chimed in, writing, "A tits nest, love and miss you guys."
  • 并配文为“家庭羁绊”时,赫明很快就加入了进来,写道:“姑娘们,爱你们,想念你们。”
  • Responded Moore: "We are missing you guys and love you so much."
  • 摩尔回应道:“我们很想念你们,也很爱你们。”
  • Moore attended Heming and Willis's vow renewal ceremony in March2019, while Willis and Heming supported Moore at the launch of her memoir, Inside Out, in September.
  • 2019年3月,摩尔参加了赫明和威利斯的誓言仪式,同年9月,威利斯和赫明也支持了摩尔出版她的回忆录《Inside Out》。
  • In her book, Moore wrote about the importance of keeping the family united after divorce.
  • 在她的书中,摩尔写到了离婚后保持家庭团结的重要性。
  • "I think Bruce was fearful at the beginning that I was going to make our split difficult, and that I would express my anger and whatever baggage that I had from our marriage by obstructing his access to the kids.
  • “我想一开始布鲁斯担心我会让我们的分手变得困难,担心我会阻止他接近孩子,来表达我的愤怒和对我们婚姻的任何不满。
  • But I didn't, and neither did he," she wrote.
  • 但我没有那么做,他也没有,”她写道。
  • "We managed to move the heart of our relationship, the heart of what created our family, into something new that gave the girls a loving, supportive environment with both parents."
  • “我们成功地将我们关系的核心,创建我们家庭的核心,转移到一些新的东西上,让女儿们在父母双方的支持下,有一个充满爱的环境。”
  • The Moore-Willis crew have been sharing social media updates about their time together during the coronavirus crisis,
  • 摩尔和威利斯的工作团队在社交媒体上分享了他们在冠状病毒危机期间一起度过的时光,
  • including an impromptu concert with all three girls singing while Scout played the guitar, as well as Willis shaving Tallulah's head.
  • 包括一场即兴音乐会,三个女孩一起唱歌,斯考特弹吉他,还有威利斯给塔卢拉剃头。
  • In a photo with her three daughters, Moore said she has loved seeing how people are using Instagram in positive ways during these trying times and wrote,
  • 在一张和三个女儿的合照中,摩尔说她喜欢看到人们在艰难时期用积极的方式使用Instagram,
  • "While I am lucky to be safe and with my girls during this time, I am so glad we have social media to keep us connected to those we are missing."
  • 她写道,“我很庆幸这段时间能安全地跟女儿们待在一起,也很高兴有社交媒体能让我们联系心中想念的人。”


Demi and Emma are close, and all three get on great as a big blended family.


There are no issues at all. Emma needed to stay in L.A. with the young kids.”


Indeed when Moore posted another photo of herself and Willis and their daughters in matching pajamas


and captioned itfamily bonding,” Heming quickly chimed in, writing, “A tits nest, love and miss you guys.”


Responded Moore: “We are missing you guys and love you so much.”



Moore attended Heming and Williss vow renewal ceremony in March2019, while Willis and Heming supported Moore at the launch of her memoir, Inside Out, in September.

2019年3月,摩尔参加了赫明和威利斯的誓言仪式,同年9月,威利斯和赫明也支持了摩尔出版她的回忆录《Inside Out》。

In her book, Moore wrote about the importance of keeping the family united after divorce.


I think Bruce was fearful at the beginning that I was going to make our split difficult, and that I would express my anger and whatever baggage that I had from our marriage by obstructing his access to the kids.


But I didnt, and neither did he,” she wrote.


We managed to move the heart of our relationship, the heart of what created our family, into something new that gave the girls a loving, supportive environment with both parents.”


The Moore-Willis crew have been sharing social media updates about their time together during the coronavirus crisis,


including an impromptu concert with all three girls singing while Scout played the guitar, as well as Willis shaving Tallulahs head.


In a photo with her three daughters, Moore said she has loved seeing how people are using Instagram in positive ways during these trying times and wrote,


While I am lucky to be safe and with my girls during this time, I am so glad we have social media to keep us connected to those we are missing.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

renewal [ri'nju:əl]


n. 更新,革新,复兴,复活

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

fearful ['fiəfəl]


adj. 担心的,可怕的

memoir ['memwɑ:]


n. 传记,实录 (复数)memoirs: 回忆录,自传

shaving ['ʃeiviŋ]


n. 刮胡子,修面;削;刨花 v. 修面,剃(shave

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲





