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  • Food
  • 食品
  • People can't go circular on their own; the system has to change. But individual choices do matter.
  • 人们无法只靠一己之力实现资源循环,整个系统必须转变。但个人选择仍然重要。
  • "It's about using less stuff in the first place," said Liz Goodwin of the World Resources Institute.
  • “首先要做的是消耗更少的产品。”世界资源研究所的利兹·古德温说。
  • In 2008 the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), which Goodwin ran then,
  • 2008年,古德温当时正在运作的废弃物与资源行动计划(WRAP)
  • did one of the first major studies of food waste.
  • 率先完成了对食品垃圾的重要调研之一。
  • The nonprofit surveyed more than 2,100 British families who had agreed to let inspectors paw through their garbage and weigh each food scrap.
  • 该非营利组织对英国逾2100个家庭进行调查,得到允许后翻查各家垃圾,将食物残渣汇总称重。
  • "Absolutely shocking," Goodwin recalled. "We found whole chickens in their wrappers."
  • “结果绝对令人震惊。”古德温回忆说,“我们多次发现包装完好的整只肉鸡。”
  • Nearly half of all salad and a quarter of all fruit was ending up in bins, as were nearly 400,000 tons of potatoes a year.
  • 每年有接近一半沙拉蔬菜、四分之一的水果和36万吨土豆被丢进垃圾桶。
  • In all, Britons were tossing one of every three bags of groceries.
  • 综合来看,英国人购入的每三袋食物中就有一袋被丢弃。
  • As it turned out, they're not exceptional.
  • 后来发现这种情况并非英国专有。
  • Roughly a third of all food is wasted globally, at an annual cost of nearly a trillion dollars, WRAP's global director, Richard Swannell, told me.
  • WRAP的全球主管理查德·斯旺内尔告诉我,全球所有食物约有三分之一被浪费,每年损失近1万亿美元。
  • Over dinner at a restaurant in Oxford, at which we both took care to clean our plates,
  • 在牛津共进晚餐时,我们两人都特意吃净盘中餐,
  • Swannell explained that before the WRAP study, no one was aware of just how much food -- and money -- was going to waste in Britain.
  • 斯旺内尔解释说,在进行那项调研之前,人们对英国到底有多少食物以及金钱被浪费并无概念。
  • WRAP launched a chipper PR campaign ("Love Food Hate Waste").
  • WRAP还发起了公关活动“爱美食恨浪费”。
  • It worked with women's groups to disseminate food-rescue tips. (A favorite was ways to dress up toast to save stale bread.)
  • WRAP与女性群体合作,传播节省食物的窍门(其中最受欢迎的一种是把旧面包做成加料烤吐司)。
  • It also persuaded grocery chains to adopt some simple measures:
  • 它还说服连锁超市采用一些简单措施:
  • Clearer, extended "use by" dates; smaller, resealable packages; an end to "buy one, get one free" sales on perishables.
  • 例如把可食用期限标注得更清晰,使用容量小、可反复密封的食品包装,取消易变质食品的“买一送一”促销。
  • It was boring stuff, forgotten common sense, but it worked. By 2012 the amount of edible food wasted in Britain had fallen by a fifth.
  • 这只是些无趣的操作或被人遗忘的常识,但确实有效。到2012年,英国的食品浪费量降低了五分之一。
  • "We've had massive progress," Swannell said.
  • “我们已取得了巨大进步。”斯旺内尔说。




People can't go circular on their own; the system has to change. But individual choices do matter. "It's about using less stuff in the first place," said Liz Goodwin of the World Resources Institute.

In 2008 the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), which Goodwin ran then, did one of the first major studies of food waste. The nonprofit surveyed more than 2,100 British families who had agreed to let inspectors paw through their garbage and weigh each food scrap. "Absolutely shocking," Goodwin recalled. "We found whole chickens in their wrappers." Nearly half of all salad and a quarter of all fruit was ending up in bins, as were nearly 400,000 tons of potatoes a year. In all, Britons were tossing one of every three bags of groceries.


As it turned out, they're not exceptional. Roughly a third of all food is wasted globally, at an annual cost of nearly a trillion dollars, WRAP's global director, Richard Swannell, told me. Over dinner at a restaurant in Oxford, at which we both took care to clean our plates, Swannell explained that before the WRAP study, no one was aware of just how much food -- and money -- was going to waste in Britain.

WRAP launched a chipper PR campaign ("Love Food Hate Waste"). It worked with women's groups to disseminate food-rescue tips. (A favorite was ways to dress up toast to save stale bread.) It also persuaded grocery chains to adopt some simple measures: Clearer, extended "use by" dates; smaller, resealable packages; an end to "buy one, get one free" sales on perishables. It was boring stuff, forgotten common sense, but it worked. By 2012 the amount of edible food wasted in Britain had fallen by a fifth. "We've had massive progress," Swannell said.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
circular ['sə:kjulə]


adj. 循环的,圆形的
n. 传单,通报

campaign [kæm'pein]


n. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动
v. 从事运

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

edible ['edibl]


n. 食品,食物
adj. 可食用的

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

scrap [skræp]


n. 碎片,废品
vt. 舍弃,报废

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

disseminate [di'semineit]


vt. 散播,公开,宣传





