The move to reopen factories a week before automakers' planned May 18 restart is crucial to the state's auto industry. The Big Three auto companies—Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler—are all headquartered in Michigan.
Whitmer noted that manufacturing makes up 19 percent of the state's economy.
Manufacturing companies will have to follow the executive order's safety guidelines, which include daily entry screenings for anyone entering the facility, a questionnaire on symptoms and exposure, and temperature screenings once no-touch thermometers can be obtained.

There must also be dedicated entry points at every facility, and all nonessential in-person visits, including tours, will be suspended.
Workers will be provided face masks by the manufacturing facilities, as well as training on how the virus is transmitted, the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 and the necessary steps to notify businesses about possible infections.
"The vast majority of people in this state are doing the right things. We've seen the curve get pushed down," Whitmer said.
"Even with certain sectors reopening on Monday, Whitmer stressed that "we must all continue to stay home and stay safe as much as possible.If we all keep doing our part, we can reduce the risk of a second wave and re-engage our economy safely and responsibly."
Other businesses, such as restaurants, will remain closed, and the stay-at-home order will be continue to be enforced. Michigan has reported 45,048 reported cases of the virus and 4,250 deaths.