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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Do it for a week or two weeks. And then build it up gradually.
- 坚持一到两个星期 然后逐渐增加
- And again, earn the side of doing too little rather than too much.
- 宁可少也不要过度
- Because then exercise, if I build it up gradually, is not about pain.
- 因为那样锻炼 如果我逐渐增加 就不是种痛苦
- Overtime it even becomes sort of addictive in a positive sense of word,
- 它逐渐会成瘾 从积极的角度来看
- that we want to do it, that we long for it. So doing it gradually. Also use distracters.
- 我们想去做它 我们渴望它 所以要慢慢来 同时要应用让你分心的事物
- When I jump on my trampoline-when I run outside, I have no problem,
- 当我在蹦床上跳时 在外面跑是不会有问题的 但在蹦床上跳时
- but when I jump on my trampoline, I have to add distracters. It is so boring for me.
- 我就要用一些分心的事物 我觉得蹦床太无聊了
- Again, some people can be on the bike for an hour. And they are fine.
- 有的人可能会去骑一小时自行车 那样也没问题
- For me it's meditation and that's great. But many people need distracters,
- 我更喜欢冥想 这很好 但很多人需要让他分心的事物
- whether it's music, whether it's TV, whether it's my kids running around,
- 不管是音乐 还是电视 还是小孩子在周围跑来跑去
- but having something that keeps us going. Social support.
- 但总要找些分散你注意力的事 社会支持
- The No. 1 predictor of exercise success for the long term is do I do it with other people;
- 长期锻炼成功的最好预测方法就是 我是否是和其他人一起做的
- do I have the social support to do it. And once again, this is not right for everyone.
- 有没有给我社会支持 再次强调这不是对每个人都有用的
- There are certain people for whom the right thing is to do it by themselves.
- 对有些人来说更好的方式是 他们自己去做
- This is the time...especially introverts will enjoy just being on their own.
- 尤其是内向的人 更喜欢自己去做
- Just closing their eyes, listening to their music, or listening to their heart rate, whatever it…
- 闭上眼睛 听着音乐 或者听着心跳
- You know heart beating. But they want time by themselves. And that's fine.
- 心跳的声音 他们会想要独自一个人的时间 这是没问题的
- But for most people social support helps.
- 但对大多数人来说 社会支持是有益的
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202005/610327.shtml