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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- What are some of the barriers that we need to overcome in order to introduce exercise regularly into our lives?
- 为了将定期锻炼引入我们的生活 我们要跨越怎样的障碍
- First, it is painful. It's not comfortable to exercise at say 70 percent of our maximum heart rate.
- 首先 这是痛苦的 锻炼不是件舒服的事 比如说到达70%最大心率的锻炼
- Doesn't hurt that much, but it's more comfortable to sit in front of the television or play Nintendo.
- 并不会很痛 但显然没有坐在电视机前 或者玩任天堂舒服
- So what do we do? The first thing that we can do is divide and conquer.
- 那我们该怎么办 我们要做的第一件事就是把目标分割 各个攻破
- One of the things that especially perfectionists do is that "OK, so I'm going to start exercising.
- 尤其是完美主义者会做的一件事就是 "我要开始锻炼了
- And to be fit, I need to do 6 miles a day. And that's what I'm going to start running. 6 miles a day."
- 为了保持健康 我每天要跑六英里 所以我一开始就要每天跑六英里"
- And of course what happens very quickly? The next day you get up and you are hurt.
- 很快会怎样呢 第二天你起床就会全身酸痛
- But you are a perfectionist. You are tough. No pain, no gain. And you go out for a run again.
- 但你是个完美主义者 你很坚强 一分耕耘一分收获 于是你又出去跑步
- And what happens? You hurt even more the next day. But you push through the pain.
- 然后会怎样呢 你第二天更疼 但你咬牙忍着疼痛
- After a few weeks, you get injured. But even if you don't get injured,
- 几个星期之后你就会受伤 但即使你不受伤
- the schema that is created in your mind about exercise is the following.
- 在你脑海中 关于锻炼的概念是这样的
- It is "exercise equals pain". Now our mind does not like pain. And it tries to avoid pain.
- 锻炼就等于痛苦 我们的意识是拒绝痛苦的 它总是极力避免痛苦
- So let's say you go on a holiday. You stop your exercise regime.
- 比如说你去度了个假 中断了你的锻炼计划
- You stop your exercise regime for a week or two weeks. And you come back.
- 中断了一个星期或者两个星期 然后你回来了
- It becomes exceedingly difficult to go back exercising.
- 想重新开始锻炼就变得更难
- Why? Because you mind, subconscious mind says, I don't want to experience this again.
- 为什么 因为你的思想 你的潜意识会说 我不想再经受这个了
- And it prevents you. It paralyzes you. This is very often the procrastination that comes through.
- 这会阻止你锻炼 使你瘫痪 这通常就是拖延症发生的时候
- Because we don't want to experience that pain. A much healthier approach is to say "OK.
- 因为我们不想经历这种痛苦 一种更健康的方式是
- So I'll start with walking for a mile. For 10 minutes, 20 minutes walk.
- "我先从走路开始 走十分钟 二十分钟的路
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202005/610326.shtml