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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- One of the best-not the best. He ran marathons.
- 最好的之一 并不是最好的 他是跑马拉松的
- And the reason why he wasn't the best, many people said, well,
- 很多人说 他之所以不是最好的
- because physically he wasn't that fit or suitable for marathons.
- 是因为从身体上讲 他不太适合跑马拉松
- He was 6 ft 2 in, tall-1 meter 88. His veil too max, his maximum heart…
- 他身高六尺二 1米88 并且他的最大心率
- maximum oxygen capacity was not that high, as high as the top runners in the world.
- 最大血液溶氧量不是很高 没有其他世界级选手那么高
- But what he had going for him was that he was the hardest worker on the circuit.
- 但他的优势在于 他是最勤奋的一个
- He would run in excess of 100 miles a week. Way over 100 miles a week. Worked very hard.
- 他每周跑一百多英里 远远多于一百多英里 非常努力
- Sorry. I wrote it down. Yeah, over 100 miles each week.
- 抱歉 我写下来了的 对 每周一百多英里
- And he became one of the best runners in the world, but never got to be at the very best.
- 于是他成为了世界最好的长跑运动员之一 但从来没成为过真正的第一
- And then what happened? Because of his hard work, over-exertion,
- 然后发生什么了呢 由于他的过度刻苦勤奋
- he got injured quite seriously and couldn't run for a whole month,
- 他受了很严重的伤 一整个月不能跑步
- as he was training for one of the most important marathons in-this marathon was in Japan.
- 他当时正在准备非常重要的一项马拉松赛事 这个马拉松在日本举行
- So for a whole month, couldn't train. Hardly walked.
- 一整个月他都不能训练 走路都走不了
- About a week before, he started just very lightly jogging. And he said he'll run in Japan.
- 在比赛一周之前 他开始可以慢慢地跑 他说他会去日本跑的
- He was invited there. He was one of the best runners in the world.
- 他被邀请去参加了 他是世界最好的长跑运动员之一
- He said he'll use it as a training run, as part of his training regime for the next marathon.
- 他说他会将其作为一次训练 作为下一次马拉松比赛训练的一部分
- having not trained for over a month, breaks his best personal records by 8 minutes
- 一个月没有训练 结果提前八分钟打破他的个人记录
- and becomes the first person in history to run a marathon in under 2 hours and 10 minutes.
- 成为历史上第一个仅用了 两小时十分钟跑完马拉松的人
- Running it in 2 hours 9 minutes and 36 seconds.
- 两小时9分36秒
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202005/610323.shtml
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[ik'ses, 'ekses]
单词excess 联想记忆: 来自excess(过分),ex,cess(走)-走出格-过分
单词capacity 联想记忆: cap容纳+acity表名词,“有…倾向”→容量;能力
单词regime 联想记忆: reg统治,ime-政权