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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Hello. Last lecture we learned about recovery. At time, away from work really relax.
- 大家好 上节课我们学到了休整 时不时地放下工作 放松一下自己
- I'd like to invite you to join a traditional and time-tested recovery period, Shiva, the Jewish sabbath.
- 我想邀请你们参加一项传统并且有历史渊源的休整节日:犹太安息日
- This Friday night, Howard Hill and Hervat at Harvard invite you and your friends to Shiva dinner at the Mac for Shiva 1000.
- 这周五的晚上 哈佛的霍华德·希尔和赫沃特将邀请大家来Mac中心享用犹太安息日大餐
- Come for free dinner at the deck down Mac with all of your friends,
- 欢迎来到Mac中心的露天平台 和你的朋友们一起享用免费大餐
- where our very own professor Tal Ben-Shahar will be speaking.
- 我们的泰勒·本沙哈尔教授将会发表讲话
- Doors are open at 630, and dinner starts at 7. Please RSVP for this really fun event at Shiva1000.org.
- 中心将于六点半开门 晚餐七点开始 如果想参加请迅速在Shiva1000.org上回复
- Everyone is invited, so please sign up.
- 所有人都欢迎前来
- Hi, good morning. I was also asked to announce on behalf of the Women Softball team.
- 大家好 我还被要求替女子垒球队通知大家
- They would've been here and they would've announced themselves, but they are at the game and that was delayed.
- 她们原本是要来这里通知大家的 但是她们现在正在进行比赛 一场被推迟了的比赛
- There's a game this Sunday and...Saturday. Saturday and Sunday.
- 这周六和周日都有比赛
- And also for the men's baseball team.
- 还有男子棒球队
- So come out and cheer. And one more announcement.
- 所以请去为他们欢呼 还有一个通知
- They can't hear. Sorry. Yeah. Yeah.
- 他们听不见 抱歉 好的
- All right. So May 21, 9:15-day for the final.
- 好的 就是5月21号 九点十五分开始决赛
- Um hope you can make it.
- 希望你们能过去看看
- OK. It's a Monday. All right.
- 是周一 好的
- So every year when I teach the perfectionism lecture, something happens.
- 每年只要我一要讲完美主义的课 就有点坏事要发生
- So the first year, I remember I actually forgot my computer at home.
- 第一年 我记得我是把电脑忘在了家里
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202002/605509.shtml