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- Thomas took the letter and tore it and said, "Fire you? Fire you?
- 托马斯把信撕了 说“炒了你?
- I've just invested a million dollars in your education and I'm going to fire you?"
- 我刚为您的教育投入了一百万美元 现在我要炒了你?”
- Now whether this story is exactly true, or almost true, it's still a story that circulates around IBM,
- 无论这则故事是否100%真是 还是部分真实 在IBM公司广为流传
- and a story that creates a certain reality in IBM, a reality that says "you have to try".
- 在IBM公司营造了良好的氛围 告诉大家“你必须尝试”
- There is a similar story in Johnson & Johnson, one of the most successful companies in the world,
- 世界最成功的公司之一 强生公司 也有类似的故事
- where General Johnson, one of the two founders with his other brother, also called Johnson-just why it's called Johnson & Johnson.
- 约翰逊将军 他与兄弟创建了该公司 他们俩都叫约翰逊 所以叫强生公司
- So Jim Burke was an upcoming employee in Johnson & Johnson, made a mistake that cost the organization a lot of money
- 吉姆·伯克是强生公司的新人 由于一个错误给公司造成了巨大损失
- was called in the morning by General Johnson who was a very austere, very tough man.
- 简朴硬朗的约翰逊将军一早会见了他
- And Jim Burke comes in, you know all shivering and scared. He comes in and walks into General Johnson's office.
- 吉姆·伯克走进他的办公室 可想而知胆战心惊 他走进约翰逊将军的办公室
- General Johnson walks from around his table, goes to him and says, congratulation, Jim Burke! Congratulation!
- 约翰逊将军从桌边走到他面前 说 “恭喜 吉姆·伯克 恭喜”
- "Sir, I just made a mistake, sir."
- 先生 我刚犯了个错
- "Yes, I know. This is the only way to learn. The more mistakes you make, the more successful you will be. Congratulations!"
- “是的 我知道 这是学习的唯一方法 现在犯得错越多 将来越有可能成功 恭喜”
- And Jim Burke was all happy and about to walk out. And General Johnson says, "oh, just one more thing, Jim:
- 吉姆·伯克非常高兴 正准备离开 约翰逊将军又说“还有一件事 吉姆
- if you make the same mistake again, I'm going to fire you."
- 如果你再犯同样的错 我会炒了你”
- But again, a story that goes around Johnson & Johnson about the importance of failure. Jim Burke, by the way,
- 这则关于失败的重要性的故事 在强生公司流传开了 而吉姆·伯克
- became the most successful CEO of Johnson & Johnson. Thomas Watson-I'm almost done, one minute, almost done:
- 成为了强生公司最成功的CEO 托马斯·沃森 马上就结束了 再给我一分钟
- "If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate."
- “如果你想提高成功率 就要将失败率翻倍”
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202002/603600.shtml
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