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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Because what happens if… ? Well, what happens if? what happens if is
- 因为万一……万一什么?万一最坏的情况
- the worst case scenario: I learn. Worst case scenario: it hurts.
- 发生了会怎么样:我学到了 最坏的情况 很伤心
- But I'll bounce back up again. You know I bounced back after Rina. I can handle anything.
- 但我会复原 里娜事件后我也恢复了 我能应付任何事
- Wei Ji, the Chinese character for crisis, has two parts: the first part is danger-this is the top character;
- 汉字“危机”由两部分组成:第一部分指危险 是上面那个字
- the bottom character, opportunity. There is danger of failing.
- 下面那个字代表机遇 有失败的危险
- And wherever there is a crisis, there is also opportunity to learn, to learn and grow.
- 但有危险的地方 就能学习 成长
- Elbert Hubbard: "The greatest mistake a man can make is to be afraid of making one."
- 阿尔伯特·哈伯德说过 “一个人能犯的最大错误就是害怕犯错”
- I want to show you an example of a person who had made mistakes, who failed time and time and again.
- 我想给大家举个例子 有一个人犯过错 失败了一次又一次
- In fact, I was thinking of labeling that person or giving him the position of ultimate failure. And here is why.
- 我甚至想给他授予 失败大王称号 原因如下
- At the age of 22, already-just started a new job, lost it. Didn't leave-he lost it.
- 22岁时 刚找到新工作 就失业了 不是辞职 是失业
- At the age of 23, decided to go into politics because he wasn't doing well in other jobs.
- 23岁时 他决定投身政治 因为其他工作他都不在行
- But didn't make it there either. And then he went back to business, didn't make it there.
- 但是也没有成功 于是继续回去经商 又没有成功
- At the age of 27, it was just too much for him. Just too much-and he collapsed. Had a nervous breakdown.
- 27岁时 压力太大 他崩溃了 精神崩溃
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202002/603589.shtml