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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- I mean, Vincent, please! This is not a circle. And this? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I told… It's tough being a teacher. You know it's…
- 文森特 拜托 这不是圆 还有这个?抱歉 抱歉 我说了 老师不好当
- But I have a question for you, Vincent. I have an important question for you.
- 不过我想问你个问题 文森特 非常重要的问题
- Could you have gotten to drawing a real circle without having drawn hundreds and thousands of failed circles?
- 如果没有经过成千上万给失败的圆 你能画出这个真正的圆吗
- In other words, could you have gotten here without being here?
- 换句话说 没有这两步 你能达到这步吗
- Absolutely not. There is no other way to succeed. Thank you very much, Vincent.
- 当然不能 成功没有捷径 非常感谢 文森特
- Learn to fail or fail to learn-there is no other way. You know I'm a psychologist and you know what a psychologist do?
- 学会失败 从失败中学习 这是唯一的途径 我是一名心理学家 你们知道心理学家干什么吗
- Psychologists watch people.
- 心理学家观察人
- And I watch you every time you come to class. And I watch you very very closely.
- 你们每次进教室我都会观察 非常仔细地观察
- And you know what I see? Again, this takes a lot of insight, experience, wisdom,
- 知道我看到了什么吗 这需要极高的洞察力 经验及智慧
- but you know what I see every time when you come into the class?
- 知道每次你们进教室 我看到了什么吗
- That you all are very good walkers. Terrific. You know in fact what you do is
- 我看到你们所有人走路非常优雅 了不起
- you come in and you lift you left leg and then you just, your ankle slightly
- 你们走进教室 抬起左腿 踝关节微微往上
- is moved up and very gracefully-as you put it down, you lift your back heel.
- 然后优雅地 慢慢放下 抬起后脚的脚跟
- You did it so beautifully. So elegantly. And you know what? You pretend as you are not even noticing it.
- 走得非常优美 非常优雅 还装作没有注意到
- So the same time, you are talking to a friend. Some of you are even chewing gum at the same time, just more than Einstein could do.
- 一边走一边与朋友交谈 有些人还同时嚼口香糖 连爱因斯坦都办不到
- And then you lift up your back leg and again, so gracefully, just you know, you bend your knee slightly. This action.
- 然后你们又抬起后腿 如此优雅 稍稍弯曲膝盖 这一动作
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/202002/603585.shtml