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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • So what I'm going to talk about is first of all, define it so that we understand it. Because it is misunderstood.
  • 所以我要谈的第一点 先定义以便理解 因为它常常被误解
  • I'm going to talk about characteristics. We are going to get to that next time only.
  • 我会谈谈完美主义的特征 我们下节课才会讲特征…
  • The characteristics-what it means to be a perfectionist? Then I'm going to talk about the consequences.
  • 成为完美主义者代表了什么?然后我还会讲讲后果
  • And then, how it's possible to be both successful and happy. Again, the question we ask
  • 以及如何保持成功与快乐的平衡 我们在
  • in goal setting lecture, the question that essentially we are asking throughout the class-it's not about
  • 目标设定课上问的问题 这一问题我们在课堂上会经常重复 不是为了
  • giving up success; it's not about giving up the conventional currency.
  • 放弃成功 放弃日常生活中的金钱
  • But it's about also enjoying the ultimate currency more importantly. Because it is the ultimate currency.
  • 而是更好地享受我们的幸福 因为它是终极货币
  • Then we understand what is the source of perfection; where does it come.
  • 然后我们理解完美主义的源头是什么 它来自哪里
  • Because if we understand where it comes from, we are more likely to be able to overcome it.
  • 因为如果我们了解了它是如何产生的 才更有可能克服它
  • And then, most importantly, how do we overcome it? And how do we help other people overcome perfectionism?
  • 然后 最重要的是 如何克服 如何帮助别人克服完美主义
  • And again, not giving up their ambition, not giving up hard work, not giving up pain of failure-because that's inevitable.
  • 不是让他们放弃志向 或者停止努力工作 也不是消除失败时的痛苦 这是不可避免的
  • But simply have a more rational, a more helpful, a more empowering approach toward failure.
  • 而是获得一种更理性 更有益 更可控的处理失败的方法
  • OK. So let's get to work. I need a volunteer. I need a volunteer,
  • 好了 我们开始前 我需要一名志愿者
  • but before you put your hand up, it's a very special kind of volunteer.
  • 你们举手前 注意我的要求 我要一个很特别的志愿者


So what I'm going to talk about is first of all, define it so that we understand it. Because it is misunderstood.

所以我要谈的第一点 先定义以便理解 因为它常常被误解
I'm going to talk about characteristics. We are going to get to that next time only. The characteristics-what it means to be a perfectionist? Then I'm going to talk about the consequences. And then, how it's possible to be both successful and happy.
我会谈谈完美主义的特征 我们下节课才会讲特征…成为完美主义者代表了什么?然后我还会讲讲后果以及如何保持成功与快乐的平衡
Again, the question we ask in goal setting lecture, the question that essentially we are asking throughout the class-it's not about giving up success; it's not about giving up the conventional currency. But it's about also enjoying the ultimate currency more importantly. Because it is the ultimate currency.
我们在目标设定课上问的问题 这一问题我们在课堂上会经常重复 不是为了放弃成功 放弃日常生活中的金钱 而是更好地享受我们的幸福 因为它是终极货币

Then we understand what is the source of perfection; where does it come. Because if we understand where it comes from, we are more likely to be able to overcome it.

然后我们理解完美主义的源头是什么 它来自哪里 因为如果我们了解了它是如何产生的 才更有可能克服它
And then, most importantly, how do we overcome it? And how do we help other people overcome perfectionism?
然后 最重要的是 如何克服 如何帮助别人克服完美主义
And again, not giving up their ambition, not giving up hard work, not giving up pain of failure-because that's inevitable. But simply have a more rational, a more helpful, a more empowering approach toward failure.
不是让他们放弃志向 或者停止努力工作 也不是消除失败时的痛苦 这是不可避免的 而是获得一种更理性 更有益 更可控的处理失败的方法
OK. So let's get to work. I need a volunteer. I need a volunteer, but before you put your hand up, it's a very special kind of volunteer.
好了 我们开始前 我需要一名志愿者 你们举手前 注意我的要求 我要一个很特别的志愿者

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ultimate ['ʌltimit]


n. 终极,根本,精华
adj. 终极的,根本

ambition [æm'biʃən]


n. 雄心,野心,抱负,精力
vt. 有 ..

rational ['ræʃənəl]


adj. 合理的,理性的,能推理的
n. 有理

perfectionist [pə'fekʃənist]


n. 十全十美主义者,[哲]至善论者

conventional [kən'venʃənl]


adj. 传统的,惯例的,常规的

overcome [.əuvə'kʌm]


vt. 战胜,克服,(感情等)压倒,使受不了

perfection [pə'fekʃən]


n. 完美,完善

misunderstood [,misʌndə'stud]


adj. 被误解的 v. 误解,误会(misunders

inevitable [in'evitəbl]


adj. 不可避免的,必然(发生)的

characteristics [,kærəktə'ristiks]


n. 特性,特征;特质;特色(characteristi





