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经济学人:一周要闻 阿里香港上市

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  • The world this week
  • 本周要闻
  • Business
  • 商业
  • In the biggest-ever takeover in the luxury-goods industry, LVMH, a French global conglomerate, announced its acquisition of Tiffany,
  • 法国全球集团路易威登宣布收购蒂芙尼,这是奢侈品行业有史以来最大的一笔收购。
  • an American jeweller founded in 1837 and known for its flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York.
  • 蒂芙尼是一家成立于1837年的美国珠宝商,以其位于纽约第五大道的旗舰店而闻名。
  • LVMH is paying $16.9bn, more than the roughly $14.5bn that was suggested when the transaction was first mooted in late October.
  • 路易威登集团将支付169亿美元,高于去年10月底首次提出交易时建议的约145亿美元。
  • The deal represents a success for Bernard Arnault, LVMH's boss and controlling shareholder, who had courted Tiffany for some time.
  • 对于路易威登集团的老板兼控股股东伯纳德·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)来说,这笔交易代表着一次成功,他向蒂芙尼示好已经有一阵子了。
  • The flotation of Alibaba's shares on the Hong Kong stockmarket raised $11.2bn, making it the most valuable share offering this year,
  • 阿里巴巴在香港股市上市筹资112亿美元,成为今年最有价值的IPO,
  • ahead of the $8.1bn that Uber raked in at its IPO in May.
  • 超过了优步(Uber)今年5月IPO筹集的81亿美元。
  • The stock rose by 6.6% on the first day of trading in what is a secondary listing in Alibaba. Its shares are also listed in New York.
  • 在阿里巴巴二次上市的首日交易中,该股上涨了6.6%。阿里巴巴的股票也在纽约上市。
  • Uber lost its licence to operate in London, again. The ride-hailing company has 45,000 drivers in the city, one of its biggest markets.
  • 优步再次失去了在伦敦运营的执照。这家叫车公司在伦敦拥有4.5万名司机,该市是该公司最大的市场之一。
  • London's transport regulator raised more concerns about safety, including 14,000 fraudulent trips by unauthorised drivers.
  • 伦敦交通监管机构对安全问题提出了更多担忧,其中包括1.4万起未经授权的司机的欺诈性出行。
  • Uber is appealing against the decision and can continue to operate while it does so.
  • 优步正在对这一决定提起上诉,并可以在上诉期间继续运营。
  • The chief executive of Westpac resigned and the chairman said he would step down next year,
  • 西太平洋银行(Westpac)首席执行官辞职,董事长表示他将于明年辞职。
  • as Australia's second-largest bank faced mounting criticism about its response to a money-laundering scandal.
  • 这家澳大利亚第二大银行因其对洗钱丑闻的回应而招致越来越多的批评。
  • A regulator has accused Westpac of failing to monitor more than 23m suspect transactions, some of which enabled child exploitation in the Philippines.
  • 一家监管机构指控西太平洋银行未能对逾2300万笔可疑交易进行监控,其中一些交易使菲律宾的儿童遭到剥削。
  • The bank has found itself in politicians' cross-hairs. Australia's treasurer said it had been indifferent to the scandal;
  • 这家银行发现自己成了政客们的攻击目标。澳大利亚财长表示,该国对这起丑闻漠不关心;
  • the attorney-general noted that it was an "unbelievably serious" matter. Westpac has reportedly cancelled its Christmas party.
  • 司法部长指出,这是一个“令人难以置信的严重”问题。据报道,西太平洋银行已经取消了其圣诞派对。
  • Charles Schwab, America's biggest discount broker, struck a $26bn deal to acquire TD Ameritrade, a rival.
  • 美国最大的折扣经纪商嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)以260亿美元收购竞争对手德美利证券(TD Ameritrade)。
  • The pair had recently been engaged in a price war, both ditching the transaction fees they charged customers. The combined group will have around $5trn in client assets.
  • 这两家公司最近打了一场价格战,都取消了向客户收取的交易费。合并后的集团将拥有约5万亿美元的客户资产。


The world this week

In the biggest-ever takeover in the luxury-goods industry, LVMH, a French global conglomerate, announced its acquisition of Tiffany, an American jeweller founded in 1837 and known for its flagship store on Fifth Avenue in New York. LVMH is paying $16.9bn, more than the roughly $14.5bn that was suggested when the transaction was first mooted in late October. The deal represents a success for Bernard Arnault, LVMHs boss and controlling shareholder, who had courted Tiffany for some time.
法国全球集团路易威登宣布收购蒂芙尼,这是奢侈品行业有史以来最大的一笔收购。蒂芙尼是一家成立于1837年的美国珠宝商,以其位于纽约第五大道的旗舰店而闻名。路易威登集团将支付169亿美元,高于去年10月底首次提出交易时建议的约145亿美元。对于路易威登集团的老板兼控股股东伯纳德·阿尔诺(Bernard Arnault)来说,这笔交易代表着一次成功,他向蒂芙尼示好已经有一阵子了。
The flotation of Alibabas shares on the Hong Kong stockmarket raised $11.2bn, making it the most valuable share offering this year, ahead of the $8.1bn that Uber raked in at its IPO in May. The stock rose by 6.6% on the first day of trading in what is a secondary listing in Alibaba. Its shares are also listed in New York.


Uber lost its licence to operate in London, again. The ride-hailing company has 45,000 drivers in the city, one of its biggest markets. Londons transport regulator raised more concerns about safety, including 14,000 fraudulent trips by unauthorised drivers. Uber is appealing against the decision and can continue to operate while it does so.

The chief executive of Westpac resigned and the chairman said he would step down next year, as Australias second-largest bank faced mounting criticism about its response to a money-laundering scandal. A regulator has accused Westpac of failing to monitor more than 23m suspect transactions, some of which enabled child exploitation in the Philippines. The bank has found itself in politicianscross-hairs. Australias treasurer said it had been indifferent to the scandal; the attorney-general noted that it was anunbelievably seriousmatter. Westpac has reportedly cancelled its Christmas party.
Charles Schwab, Americas biggest discount broker, struck a $26bn deal to acquire TD Ameritrade, a rival. The pair had recently been engaged in a price war, both ditching the transaction fees they charged customers. The combined group will have around $5trn in client assets.
美国最大的折扣经纪商嘉信理财(Charles Schwab)以260亿美元收购竞争对手德美利证券(TD Ameritrade)。这两家公司最近打了一场价格战,都取消了向客户收取的交易费。合并后的集团将拥有约5万亿美元的客户资产。


重点单词   查看全部解释    
entertainment [.entə'teinmənt]


n. 娱乐

announced [ə'naunst]



transaction [træn'zækʃən]


n. 交易,处理,办理,事务

priority [prai'ɔriti]


n. 优先权,优先顺序,优先

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

conglomerate [kɔn'glɔmərit]


adj. 密集而固结的,成簇的 n. 联合企业,密集体,

stock [stɔk]


n. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜

resigned [ri'zaind]


adj. 认命的,顺从的,听任的 动词resign的过去





