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- And your exercise for next week will be to implement it, which will ultimately hopefully (lead you) to more success
- 你们下周的练习就是使用它,最终可能带你们走向更大的成功
- as well as more of the ultimate currency. In addition to the questionnaire
- 以及终极的目标。除了你们即将做的问卷之外,
- that you will be taking, here are some other criteria to identify what are your personal character strengths.
- 这里也有一些其他的标准来鉴别你的个人人格力量是什么
- The first one is "is this the real me?" Do I feel authentic, most myself, when I am working in a group?
- 第一个问题就是“这是真的我吗?”,我是否觉得这真的是我自己——当我在团体里工作时、
- When I am leading people? When I am learning something new? When I am praying?
- 当我领导别人时、当我学新东西时、当我祈祷时、
- When I'm watching a comedy or telling jokes or listening to jokes? When do I feel most myself?
- 当我在看一部喜剧或者讲笑话、听笑话时,我什么时候觉得最是我自己?
- William James, back in the 19th century: "I have often thought the best way to define a man's character
- 十九世纪时威廉·詹姆斯说“我时常觉得定义一个人性格的最好办法
- would be to seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which,
- 就是寻找特定的心理或道德态度,
- when it came upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intensely active and alive.
- 它们出现时他觉得自己最为积极和活跃
- At such moments there is a voice inside which speaks and says: 'This is the real me!'"
- 在这种时刻,他内心有一个声音说‘这就是真的我!’”
- When is the real you coming out? Is it when you act bravely? Is it when you apply yourself and work hard at something?
- 你的真我在什么时候出现呢?是你表现英勇的时候吗?是你全身心投入、认真地做某事的时候吗?
- Is it when you plan- and you are prudent, careful about the future? It's a strength, too.
- 是你作为一个审慎的人、你的计划很好地计划了未来的时候吗?这也是一种力量
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201911/600271.shtml