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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- But there's a lot of research on interpersonal conflicts. And I talked about
- 有很多关于人际间冲突的研究
- briefly when I discussed practical idealism and conflict resolution.
- 我在讲到实践唯心主义以及冲突的解决时简单讲过
- And the way to deal with the conflicts, the best way to deal with the conflicts and resolve them
- 面对冲突的办法、面对并解决冲突的最好办法
- is to have a super ordinate goal, a goal in which both sides- both conflicting sides engage in
- 就是制定一个协调的目标使得冲突的双方都参与其中
- and are dependent on one another or intra-dependent. And that resolves interpersonal or intergroup conflicts.
- 并内在地相互依赖,这样就能够解决人际间或组织间的冲突
- This is work of Muzafer Sherif or Elliot Aronson. In the same way,
- 这是马扎福·谢里夫或艾略特·阿伦森所做的研究。同理,
- having a goal helps to solve internal conflicts, intra-personal conflicts.
- 制定目标有助于解决内在冲突、人内在的心理冲突
- Because it takes our mind away from those existential, often important,
- 因为它能让我们暂时忘却那些关于存在的、很重要、
- but sometimes difficult questions, especially when they persist.
- 但通常很难的问题,尤其是不断出现时
- Away from anxiety. Away from depression. And we are focused on something we really, really want to do.
- 它能使我们远离焦虑,远离沮丧,我们能集中精力于我们十分想做的事
- Also, it increases the likelihood of success. Individuals who set self-concordant goals are more
- 同时,它还增加了成功的可能性。制定了自我和谐目标的人会更有
- motivated- they are more likely to work hard. They are more likely to put their
- 动力。他们会更努力地工作
- all in- whatever it is- that they are doing.
- 他们会全身心地投入到他们所做的事中去
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201911/599707.shtml