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经济学人:一周要闻 美联储第三次降息

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  • The world this week
  • 本周要闻
  • Business
  • 商业
  • The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate for the third time this year, shaving off another quarter of a percentage point to a range of between 1.5% and 1.75%.
  • 美国联邦储备委员会今年第三次下调基准利率,将利率再下调0.25个百分点,至1.5%至1.75%的区间。
  • Arguments have raged at the central bank about the need for further easing in America's still robust economy.
  • 在美国仍然强劲的经济中,关于进一步放松货币政策的必要性的争论已经在中央银行引起了激烈的争论。
  • Many have read the runes of the carefully worded statement by Jerome Powell, the Fed's chairman,
  • 许多人已经看到了美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔措辞谨慎的声明——
  • that "policy is likely to remain appropriate", to suggest that future reductions are on hold.
  • “政策可能仍将保持适当”,暗示未来将暂停降息。
  • Official figures showed that the American economy grew by 1.9% at an annualised rate in the third quarter.
  • 官方数据显示,美国经济第三季度年化增长率为1.9%。
  • The data underlined the Fed ratesetters' conundrum; consumer and government spending remained buoyant, though business investment was limp.
  • 这些数据突显了美联储利率制定者的难题;尽管商业投资疲软,但消费者和政府支出依然强劲。
  • Groupe PSA, the maker of the Peugeot car brand, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles agreed to merge, creating the world's fourth-largest car manufacturer.
  • 标志汽车品牌的制造商标致雪铁龙集团和菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司同意合并,成为世界第四大汽车制造商。
  • Carmakers are under increasing pressure to consolidate in an industry beset by rising costs and disruptive technologies.
  • 该行业受成本上升和颠覆性技术的困扰,汽车制造商面临越来越大的整合压力。
  • Earlier this year Fiat Chrysler tried to engineer a merger with Renault, but it hit a dead end when the French government, which owns 15% of Renault, withheld its support.
  • 今年早些时候,菲亚特克莱斯勒曾试图与雷诺(Renault)合并,但由于持有雷诺15%股份的法国政府拒绝支持,这计划就此陷入僵局。
  • The recent strike at General Motors is now thought to have cost the company $2.9bn.
  • 据信,通用汽车最近的罢工已导致该公司损失29亿美元。
  • The 40-day strike was the longest at the carmaker since 1970.
  • 为期40天的罢工是自1970年以来这家汽车制造商罢工持续时间最长的一次。
  • In a week when it announced that it would have to lay off up to 15% of its workforce,
  • 在宣布不得不裁员15%的一周内,
  • Juul which dominates the market for e-cigarettes, faced a lawsuit from a former executive accusing it of selling contaminated vaping pods to retailers.
  • 主导电子烟市场的Juul面临着一名前高管的诉讼,指控其向零售商销售受污染的蒸汽烟弹。
  • It is another blow for e-cigarettes, which are under scrutiny in dozens of cases of lung disease.
  • 这是电子烟遭受的又一次打击,目前因数十起肺部疾病病例,电子烟正在接受调查。
  • General Electric reported another huge quarterly net loss, this time of $9.5bn, as it booked charges connected to its restructuring.
  • 通用电气报告了另一笔巨额季度净亏损,这一次的金额为95亿美元,因为其计入了与重组相关的费用。
  • Some $8.7bn of that relates to writing down its investment in Baker Hughes, an oil-services firm.
  • 其中87亿美元与减记对石油服务公司贝克休斯的投资有关。
  • The long-awaited IPO of Saudi Aramco was reportedly ready to be launched on November 3rd.
  • 据报道,沙特国家石油公司期待已久的首次公开募股已准备好在11月3日启动。
  • Shares in the world's biggest oil company, owned by the Saudi state, are expected to start trading in mid-December.
  • 预计这家全球最大石油公司的股票将于12月中旬开始交易。


The world this week

The Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate for the third time this year, shaving off another quarter of a percentage point to a range of between 1.5% and 1.75%. Arguments have raged at the central bank about the need for further easing in America’s still robust economy. Many have read the runes of the carefully worded statement by Jerome Powell, the Fed’s chairman, that “policy is likely to remain appropriate”, to suggest that future reductions are on hold.
Official figures showed that the American economy grew by 1.9% at an annualised rate in the third quarter. The data underlined the Fed ratesetters’ conundrum; consumer and government spending remained buoyant, though business investment was limp.


Groupe PSA, the maker of the Peugeot car brand, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles agreed to merge, creating the world’s fourth-largest car manufacturer. Carmakers are under increasing pressure to consolidate in an industry beset by rising costs and disruptive technologies. Earlier this year Fiat Chrysler tried to engineer a merger with Renault, but it hit a dead end when the French government, which owns 15% of Renault, withheld its support.

The recent strike at General Motors is now thought to have cost the company $2.9bn. The 40-day strike was the longest at the carmaker since 1970.
In a week when it announced that it would have to lay off up to 15% of its workforce, Juul which dominates the market for e-cigarettes, faced a lawsuit from a former executive accusing it of selling contaminated vaping pods to retailers. It is another blow for e-cigarettes, which are under scrutiny in dozens of cases of lung disease.
General Electric reported another huge quarterly net loss, this time of $9.5bn, as it booked charges connected to its restructuring. Some $8.7bn of that relates to writing down its investment in Baker Hughes, an oil-services firm.
The long-awaited IPO of Saudi Aramco was reportedly ready to be launched on November 3rd. Shares in the world’s biggest oil company, owned by the Saudi state, are expected to start trading in mid-December.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
executive [ig'zekjutiv]


adj. 行政的,决策的,经营的,[计算机]执行指令

conundrum [kə'nʌndrəm]


n. 谜语,难题

fiat ['faiæt, ət]


n. 由(政府)授权而具有特别意义的,如fiat-mon

reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

shaving ['ʃeiviŋ]


n. 刮胡子,修面;削;刨花 v. 修面,剃(shave

range [reindʒ]


n. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列
v. 排

announced [ə'naunst]



merge [mə:dʒ]


v. 合并,融合,兼并

lawsuit ['lɔ:sju:t]


n. 诉讼,控诉

buoyant ['bɔiənt]


adj. 有浮力的,心情愉快的,趋于上涨的





