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BBC纪录片《我们的地球》 >
- Termites. Not easy to catch when you're blind.
- 白蚁。双目失明自然不太好捉。
- Far better to go into stealth mode.
- 最好还是切换成隐身模式。
- Once below the sand, it can detect the slightest movement...
- 一旦潜入沙中,金毛鼹鼠可以感知微弱的震动,
- allowing it to strike with pinpoint accuracy.
- 让它能发动精准袭击。
- Well, most of the time.
- 大多数时候是这样。
- They can travel two thirds of a mile a night in search of its dinner...
- 它们一晚可以行进1.1公里来寻找晚餐
- and right now, it has just detected its main course.
- 现在,它刚刚发现了自己的主菜。
- Little wonder it's sometimes called "The shark of the dunes".
- 难怪它有时候被称作“沙丘之鲨”。
- Food can be so scarce in the desert that, even at night,
- 食物在沙漠中非常稀缺,即便是在夜晚,
- animals can't afford to be choosy about what they eat.
- 动物们也无权挑剔自己的饮食。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201911/598380.shtml