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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And you reach a wall, a barrier. What do you do? Well, there are many things that you can do when you reach that wall.
- 你遇到一道墙,一个障碍物,你会怎么做?遇到那道墙时你可以有很多应对方法
- And the wall is long and high. One way is to say, "OK, pity" and turn around. In other words, avoid that wall.
- 那墙又高又长,其中一种做法是“太可惜了”,然后调头走。也就是说,避开那道墙
- Another thing we can do is take out our sledgehammer and try to break it down.
- 另一种方法是,拿出锤子试着把它敲碎
- Another thing that we can do before we do any of the other things is take our knapsack and throw it over the wall.
- 还有另一种方法是,把背包扔过墙去
- Take our knapsack and simply throw it over the wall. Why? Because the necessity is the mother of inventions.
- 把背包扔过墙去,为什么?因为必需品是发明创造的源泉
- I need my knapsack to continue. I need my knapsack. I want it. And now it's over the wall. I have no choice. But
- 我需要背包来继续,需要我的背包,我需要它,而现在它在墙的另一边,我别无选择了
- to get over that wall, whether it's by breaking it down, whether it's by finding a way around it, under it or over it.
- 但要越过这道墙,要么把它敲碎,要么找一条路绕过它,从下方或是上方
- But suddenly, I will come up with solutions that I have not seen before and this is how it works. It's remarkable-
- 突然间,我会想出几个办法,这些办法都是我之前没想到的
- how it works- for the exact same reason that when you declare a goal such as "I want to buy a computer".
- 目标起的作用十分显着,而出于同一个原因。当你宣告一个目标,例如“我想买电脑”
- Suddenly you see computer ads all around you, whereas before you didn't see computer ads.
- 那你就会发现到处都是电脑广告,你以前从没在这些地方看过电脑广告
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201910/598082.shtml