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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- More than any other things that I was facing. The thing anxiety.
- 我面临的最大困难不是其他,而是焦虑
- So what did I do? Let me begin first with the C, Cognition.
- 那我是怎么做的呢,我先从C认知说起
- So what I did- I analyzed the situation in my journal. I used the Bureau of Study Counsel.
- 我分析了我日记中的情况,利用学校咨询机构
- I learned and studied about the three M's, the irrational thoughts-
- 学习并研究了关于三个M的知识,那三种不理智的想法
- magnifying, minimizing, making up, catastrophizing. And through cognition, it helped a lot. That wasn't enough.
- 将事情扩大化,缩小化,编造情景,灾难化。通过认知,我得到了很大的帮助,但那远远不够
- After the C, I went to the A, the Affect. And the Affect was for me physical exercise.
- 学习了C之后,我开始学习A,影响。影响是通过身体锻炼来实现的
- Even today, you know, this morning, at home, I ran. I exercise because
- 直到今天,早上我还跑过步,我锻炼身体是因为……
- it significantly lowers anyone's levels of anxiety. And I can tell a significant difference in my talks
- 它能大大降低我们的焦虑水平。可以说如果我不锻炼身体,我的口才……
- if I don't exercise. So even three or four weeks ago,
- 一定不会像现在这么好。甚至在三四周前,
- David, my son was unwell and I had to take him to the doctor first thing Tuesday morning.
- 我儿子大卫身体不适,周二早上我要先带他去看医生
- Didn't have time to exercise. Actually felt it in the lecture. I was more nervous,
- 没有时间锻炼,我那天讲课就感觉到了。我觉得更紧张,
- more anxious. Makes a big difference. As we'll talk about, after break,
- 更焦虑,明显不一样。像我们开学时讲的一样
- it literally has the same effect as taking an anti-anxiety pill.
- 锻炼的效果基本和吃抗焦虑药效果一样
- So exercise was certainly there, work directly on my emotion.
- 因此锻炼对我的情绪产生直接的影响
- Yoga. Helped me tremendously in dealing with anxiety and lowering that level.
- 瑜伽,在我处理焦虑和降低焦虑水平上发挥了很大的作用
- So this was the emotional. The other thing, music. Relaxing music.
- 这是情感上的。另一样是音乐,放松的音乐
- You know my taste in music. I don't need to repeat it again.
- 你们知道我喜欢什么音乐,就不重复了
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201910/597445.shtml