The ABCs in journaling. So when he did this study, initially the results came in
because one of the first things he looked at was the anxiety level, so when the results came in, disappointment.
In fact, thinking of stopping the study, because this is what he found. So if we have this graph, this would be anxiety level. This would be time.
He had a control group and the control group just wrote about anything that they wanted to write about. Show no change over time.
So they started here, and they essentially, straight line. The intervention group,the experimental group,
after 4 days of writing about their most traumatic, most difficult experiences.
They started at the same point. They were randomly divided. And then a rise in their anxiety.
After each of the days and during the 4 days- rise in their levels of anxiety. At this point, he was thinking terminating the study- very disappointed.
Because he got from personal experience- he knew that journaling helps him and knew other people who talk about it, who swear by journaling.
But then, once the 4 days are over, during the fifth, especially starting 6th, 7th and on days, this is what starts to happen.