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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- And then afterwards, after you've come up with the eureka, that's when you evaluate. You ask yourself,
- 而这之后,在你顿悟了之后,就是该进行评估的时候。你要问自己
- "is this a good idea? Does it work? Or is it just something that you know women and... "
- 这是个好主意吗?会有用吗?还是只是……你知道的,女人……
- Most ideas, most eureka experiences actually end up not working.
- 很多主意,很多顿悟的体验,最终都没起作用
- And therefore, evaluation is important. Is this really a good piece? Is this really a good idea for a story? Shakespeare asked.
- 因此评估非常重要。这确实是好主意吗?这确实是个好故事吗?莎士比亚会这样问
- Is this really a good idea for a philosophical treatise? Descartes who spent a lot of time on his own reflecting.
- 这确实可以作为哲学命题吗?笛卡尔这个花大量时间自省的人会这样问
- Is this a really good idea for a philosophical treatise?
- 这确实可以作为哲学命题吗
- Is this a good business plan? Is this the next Facebook?
- 这是个好的商业计划吗,这会是下一个脸书吗
- Or is this just something that I had, you know, the idea that I had at 3 in the morning and someone has already done it or it won't work?
- 或者还是只是我,凌晨三点想到的,有人已经做过或者根本不会成功的主意
- Evaluation is important. There are many idea out there, not all of them work.
- 评估非常重要。世上有很多主意,但不是所有的都有用
- Or to go back to our analogy of making love. So you have the first stage, the foreplay.
- 回到做爱的类比上。有了第一个阶段:前戏
- You have the orgasm and afterwards, here's the question that you may be asking when you evaluate it.
- 有了高潮,然后之后就有了评估时要问的问题
- Is this a lasting treasure
- 这是持久的财富吗
- Or just a moment of pleasure
- 还是只是短暂的愉悦
- Can I believe the magic of your eyes
- 我能相信你眼神的魔力吗
- Will you still love me tomorrow
- 你明天还会爱我吗
- So tell me now, and I won't ask again, darling
- 现在就告诉我,我不会再问,亲爱的
- Will you still love me tomorrow
- 你明天还会爱我吗
- Will you still love me tomorrow
- 你明天还会爱我吗
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201909/594237.shtml