1.a multitude of 大量;很多
All that he had just seen and heard aroused a multitude of questions in his mind.
刚才看到和听到的种种事情,在他的头脑里引发了一大堆的问题 。
2.fraught with 充满
The next 20 years of transition to a new system are fraught with risks.
接下来的20年间,向新体系过渡的过程充满了风险 。
3.give ammunition to 武装
Such ironies will give ammunition to the many doubters who say that America is repeating the errors of the Soviet Union.
许多对此怀疑人士都表示,美国正在重蹈苏联的覆辙,这些讽刺无疑加强了这些人的武装 。
4.use sth. against sb. 利用……对付
Let us use the weapon of the enemy against them.
让我们用他们自己的武器来对付他们 。
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