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经济学人:一周要闻 腾讯收购环球音乐股份

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  • John Flint's decision to step down as chief executive of HSBC after just 18 months in the job took markets by surprise.
  • 汇丰银行(HSBC)首席执行官约翰·弗林特(John Flint)上任仅18个月就决定辞职,这让市场感到意外。
  • His resignation was made "by mutual agreement with the board",
  • 他的辞职决定是“在与董事会的共同协议下”做出的。
  • which reportedly lost confidence in Mr Flint's ability to steer the bank through increasingly choppy waters stirred by trade tensions between America and China.
  • 据报道,董事会对弗林特的能力失去了信心,他们认为他无法带领银行闯过中美贸易紧张局势引发的风浪。
  • Most of HSBC's profit comes from Asia. The bank is expected to take its time choosing a successor.
  • 汇丰银行的大部分利润来自亚洲。预计该银行将遴选出继任者。
  • A report prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested that a move away from meat and towards plant-based diets could help fight global warming,
  • 为政府间气候变化专门委员会准备的一份报告显示,从肉类转向植物类饮食可能有助于对抗全球变暖,
  • but it pulled back from recommending that people become vegetarians.
  • 但该报告没有建议人们转而成为素食主义者。
  • Companies selling plant-based products have seen their share prices soar this year.
  • 销售植物类产品的公司今年的股价飙升。
  • The latest takeover in the consolidating payments industry saw Mastercard agreeing to buy Nets, a Danish real-time payments provider, for $3.2bn.
  • 在整合后的支付行业的最新收购动态中,万事达同意以32亿美元收购丹麦实时支付提供商Nets。
  • It is Mastercard's biggest acquisition to date.
  • 这是万事达迄今最大的一笔收购。
  • Vivendi, a French media company, said it was considering selling a stake of at least 10% of its Universal Music business to Tencent, a Chinese technology conglomerate,
  • 法国媒体公司维旺迪(Vivendi)表示,正在考虑向中国科技集团腾讯出售环球音乐集团至少10%的股份,
  • possibly raising that to 20% at a later date.
  • 可能会在晚些时候将比例提高至20%。
  • If completed, a deal might allow Tencent to combine its expertise in streaming with Universal's vast catalogue of artists,
  • 如果交易完成,腾讯可能会将其在流媒体领域的优势与环球唱片的众多艺人结合起来,
  • which include Abba, the Beatles, Drake, Elton John and Taylor Swift.
  • 其中包括阿巴乐队(Abba)、披头士(Beatles)、德雷克(Drake)、埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)。
  • The Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast entered administration, marking the probable end of a business that built the Titanic and other famous vessels.
  • 贝尔法斯特的哈兰德与沃尔夫造船厂进入破产管理程序,标志着这家曾建造泰坦尼克号和其他著名船只的工厂可能。
  • The yard once employed 15,000 workers, but now just 122 work on repairs. It has not built a ship since 2003.
  • 这个工厂曾经拥有1.5万名工人,但现在只有122名工人负责维修工作。自2003年以来,该厂没有建造过一艘新船。
  • Barneys New York, a luxury department-store chain that opened shop in 1923, filed for bankruptcy protection and said it would close most of its stores.
  • 于1923年开业的奢侈百货连锁店巴尼斯纽约百货公司申请破产保护,并表示将关闭大部分门店。
  • The company is restructuring its debt and expects to keep seven stores open, including its flagship premises in Manhattan, made famous by "Sex and the City".
  • 该公司正在重组债务,预计将保留7家门店,包括因《欲望都市》而闻名的曼哈顿旗舰店。
  • Its insolvency proves that the upheaval in retailing is not confined to suburban shopping malls.
  • 这家公司的破产证明,零售业的动荡并不局限于郊区的购物中心。


John Flints decision to step down as chief executive of HSBC after just 18 months in the job took markets by surprise. His resignation was madeby mutual agreement with the board”, which reportedly lost confidence in Mr Flints ability to steer the bank through increasingly choppy waters stirred by trade tensions between America and China. Most of HSBCs profit comes from Asia. The bank is expected to take its time choosing a successor.

汇丰银行(HSBC)首席执行官约翰·弗林特(John Flint)上任仅18个月就决定辞职,这让市场感到意外。他的辞职决定是“在与董事会的共同协议下”做出的。据报道,董事会对弗林特的能力失去了信心,他们认为他无法带领银行闯过中美贸易紧张局势引发的风浪。汇丰银行的大部分利润来自亚洲。预计该银行将遴选出继任者。
A report prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggested that a move away from meat and towards plant-based diets could help fight global warming, but it pulled back from recommending that people become vegetarians. Companies selling plant-based products have seen their share prices soar this year.


The latest takeover in the consolidating payments industry saw Mastercard agreeing to buy Nets, a Danish real-time payments provider, for $3.2bn. It is Mastercards biggest acquisition to date.

Take a chance on me
Vivendi, a French media company, said it was considering selling a stake of at least 10% of its Universal Music business to Tencent, a Chinese technology conglomerate, possibly raising that to 20% at a later date. If completed, a deal might allow Tencent to combine its expertise in streaming with Universals vast catalogue of artists, which include Abba, the Beatles, Drake, Elton John and Taylor Swift.
法国媒体公司维旺迪(Vivendi)表示,正在考虑向中国科技集团腾讯出售环球音乐集团至少10%的股份,可能会在晚些时候将比例提高至20%。如果交易完成,腾讯可能会将其在流媒体领域的优势与环球唱片的众多艺人结合起来,其中包括阿巴乐队(Abba)、披头士(Beatles)、德雷克(Drake)、埃尔顿·约翰(Elton John)和泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)。
The Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast entered administration, marking the probable end of a business that built the Titanic and other famous vessels. The yard once employed 15,000 workers, but now just 122 work on repairs. It has not built a ship since 2003.
Barneys New York, a luxury department-store chain that opened shop in 1923, filed for bankruptcy protection and said it would close most of its stores. The company is restructuring its debt and expects to keep seven stores open, including its flagship premises in Manhattan, made famous bySex and the City”. Its insolvency proves that the upheaval in retailing is not confined to suburban shopping malls.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

stake [steik]


n. 桩,赌注,利害关系
v. 下注,用桩支撑

conglomerate [kɔn'glɔmərit]


adj. 密集而固结的,成簇的 n. 联合企业,密集体,

swift [swift]


adj. 快的,迅速的
n. 雨燕,线轴

acquisition [.ækwi'ziʃən]


n. 获得,所获之物

vast [vɑ:st]


adj. 巨大的,广阔的
n. 浩瀚的太

confined [kən'faind]


adj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

drake [dreik]


n. 公鸭;蜉蝣类(等于drake fly)

soar [sɔ:, sɔə]


vi. 翱翔,高飞,猛增,高涨,高耸
n. 翱





