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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- Their self-esteem went up. Depression levels went down. Anxiety levels went down. And energy levels went up.
- 她们的自尊心上升,沮丧程度下降;焦虑水平下降,精力水平上升
- All, as a result. Now, she asked, did you do anything differently?
- 所有都是这样。此时她问:你们做了什么不同的事吗
- Or you are exercising more than you did before? No difference between the control group and the intervention group.
- 或者你们比以前做了更多的锻炼吗?对照组与实验组之间不存在区别
- The only difference was perception. Now they may have worked harder. We don't know.
- 唯一的区别在于观念。她们可能工作得更努力了,我们不得而知
- It may be just the mind over body. We don't know.
- 可能只是心理作用,我们不得而知
- But the fact is because they reframed, they reconstructed their experience from a chore
- 但事实是由于她们重新审视了,重建了她们自己的经历
- I have to, you know, clean 30 rooms a day to this is an exercise; this is good for me.
- 从我每天必须清扫三十间房间到这是种锻炼,这对我有好处
- That made all the difference. Physically as well as psychologically. Here is an example of acute change.
- 这就是区别所在。既是生理上的也是心理上的。这是急剧转变的一个例子
- This is the change that happens like a sledgehammer. And this is the Eureka experience.
- 这就像一锤子砸下去的变化,这就是“有了!”的经历
- There's a lot of talk, a lot of research,
- 有很多关于“有了!”的经历的讨论、研究
- a lot of interest in this area of the Eureka experience, the ah ha moment, the insight — so valuable, so important.
- 以及对这个领域的兴趣,灵光乍现的一刻,顿悟——如此珍贵,如此重要
- And there's much misunderstanding about it.
- 而对此也有许多误解
- Because people think we suddenly have this insight, not so. There's a whole process involved.
- 因为人们都觉得这种顿悟是突然产生的,但其实不是,这是有一整个过程的
- And the process begins with immersion. This is when we prepare for the insight. This is when we learn.
- 而这个过程从潜移默化开始。这是我们为顿悟准备的时候,是我们学习的时候
- Howard Gardner has done a lot of work on extraordinary individuals throughout the world. And what he found is that generally
- 霍华德·加德纳做了许多研究关于全世界的成功人士。他发现一般来说
- for people to become the experts in a field, to become Creative in a field,
- 对于那些在某个领域成为专家,在某个领域具有创造力的人
- they have to have invested at least ten years of very hard work.
- 他们都会下至少十年的苦功夫
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201908/592887.shtml