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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- When I, after being thrown out of Cambridge, I applied for PHD programs.
- 当我被剑桥拒掉之后,我当时申请了博士项目
- One of the programs I applied to is here. I was hoping to get in.
- 这里是我申请的其中一个地方。我很希望能入选
- And when I got in, I wanted to come back,
- 我进来之后,我想回来
- because overall, I had a very good experience here as an undergrad, with all the difficulties and hardship, I was glad, wanting to be back.
- 是因为总体来说,在这里读大学时我挺开心的,即便有很多困难和困扰,我仍然很愉快,很想回来
- And when I got in, you know suddenly I became a little bit concerned.
- 在我进来之后,我突然开始有点担心了
- Because I said, you know I experienced a lot of anxiety as an undergrad.
- 因为我说,我大学时经历了很多焦虑
- A lot of anxiety as an undergrad. And I said, I don't want to relive that again. Maybe I should go else where.
- 大学时经历了很多焦虑。我说,我不想再过那样的生活了。也许我应该去点别的地方
- And then I turned around and I said, OK. Instead of looking at Harvard as a threat, to me, to my calm.
- 然后我回过头来,说,好吧,哈佛不是对我的冷静心态的威胁
- I'm going to look at it as a challenge.
- 相反我要把它当成一次挑战
- And my challenge became explicitly, I mean I wrote it in my journal, wrote about it, thought about it explicitly.
- 这挑战变得很明确,我在日记里这样写,明确地想过并写下来
- My goal over the six years that I got my PHD was to maintain calm
- 我博士的六年里,目标是要保持冷静
- Because I said to myself, "if I can maintain calm at Harvard, I can maintain calm anywhere.
- 因为我对自己说:如果我能在哈佛保持冷静,就可以在任何地方保持冷静
- And I worked on it. I really worked on it. And it became a challenge and just that change
- 然后我朝着这个目标努力,非常努力。这确实变成了挑战,而正是这个改变
- helped me get so much more out of my experience here as a graduate student.
- 使我从在这里的研究生经历获得了更多
- Even through the hardships, the generals and the failures, and the anxiety.
- 即便遇到困难,各种各样的挫折失败,以及焦虑
- But overall, a much better experience.
- 但总体来说,还是很好的经历
- Recently I just did it. So you know, once in a while I travel right after class. So three weeks ago, I travelled to Florida.
- 我最近也做了这样的事。有时我刚下课就会去别的地方。三周前我去了佛罗里达
- And I have a very important talk there with the company that I really wanted to work with. It was my first event there.
- 在那里进行了一次重要的谈话是和一家我非常想进的公司。那是我的第一次会谈
- Company that I cared about. And I think it is doing fantastic things around the world and I really want it to do well.
- 是我梦寐以求的公司。我觉得这家公司做的事很不错,我非常希望能够顺利
- And I felt a lot of anxiety before that talk.
- 在谈话之前我非常焦虑
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201907/590215.shtml