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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- If I'm a merit finder, I would look the exact same experiences and interpret them very differently.
- 如果我是个积极者,对相同的经历就会有非常不同的诠释
- Because I have very different neural pathways in the brain. Of course, there are consequences to how we interpret our experiences.
- 因为我大脑中的神经通路就非常不同。当然了,我们如何诠释经历是有不同结果的
- Not necessarily that things happen for the best, but as a merit, as a benefit finder, sorry, I change that.
- 不一定会有最好的结果,但作为积极者,抱歉我换了个说法
- As a benefit finder, looking more at the, at the positive with each experience.
- 作为积极者,更能看到每段人生经历中积极的方面
- Now remember the study on the identical twins and how much genes actually matter. That only account for 55% of the variance.
- 回忆一下同卵双胞胎的研究以及其中基因到底有多大影响。那只能解释55%的差异
- So here is the story that's told in many intro to psych textbooks
- 这是很多心理学入门教材中会提到的故事
- And it's about twins who were raised in a same home and their father was abusive toward them, toward their mother.
- 是关于双胞胎,在同个家庭中长大,他们的父亲对他们及其妻子都很暴力
- He was very often drunk, very often on drugs, and really an awful, awful childhood, the worst you can imagine.
- 他经常酗酒,吸毒,非常非常可怕的童年,所能想到的最悲惨的童年
- And these twins grow up in that home with that father.
- 这对双胞胎与父亲一起在这个家庭中长大
- And they go off. They leave their home, run away from home later on in life and they reach the age of 30.
- 然后他们离开了,离开家,从这个家里逃出去,然后到了三十岁
- And then at the age of 30, a psychologist who is doing research on twins goes and visits them. And he goes to the first twin.
- 在他们三十岁时,一个正在对双胞胎进行研究的心理学家拜访了他们。他先去找了双胞胎里的第一个
- And what he sees there: the twin is in a relationship. He's abusing his family, very often drunk, very often on drugs.
- 他看到的是,这个孩子结婚了。虐待家人,经常酗酒,吸毒
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201907/589725.shtml