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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- You have rituals. And you are productive and you are creative. And suddenly the rituals go away.
- 你有这样的例行日程,就会高效并具有创造力,突然之间这些例行公事都消失了
- You said, "OK now I'm gonna work more". The exact opposite happens.
- 你说:好了,现在我要更努力学习了。但恰好相反的事出现了
- Because we have a limited amount... It was only when I came to terms of fact that I have a limits amount of self-discipline.
- 因为我们只有有限的,直到我意识到我的自律是有限的这个事实之后
- It's only when I came to terms with the human nature, nature should be commanded must be obeyed.
- 直到我明白人类本性,本性就应该被遵循
- It was only then that I actually became productive. Because I created new rituals in my life after that.
- 那时我才真正开始变得高效率,因为那之后我又建立了新的例行公事
- Rituals, very important and significant. The only way for lasting change.
- 例行公事,非常重要且有意义,做出持久改变的唯一方法
- Let me talk about cognition now. The C.
- 现在来谈谈认知吧,首字母C的这个词
- So we talked about affect, the emotions; we talked about behavior how important that is both acute and gradual. Let's talk about cognition.
- 我们已经谈过情感,也谈过行为,谈过它有多重要,既是剧烈的也是逐渐的。接下来让我们来谈谈认知
- We'll talk again about cognitive reconstruction which is the gradual way of bringing about change.
- 再次谈谈认知重建,也是造成改变的渐进方式
- And then we'll talk about the fast way of bringing about change, which is the Eureka experience, the ah ha moment.
- 然后我们再谈谈造成改变的快捷方式,也就是“有了!”的体验,灵光乍现的一刻
- So first, cognitive reconstruction. As we mentioned before, an interpretation is a neural pathway.
- 首先,认知重建。正如之前说过的,诠释是一种神经通路
- If I interpret the world as a fault finder, the fortified neural pathway in my brain are the negative ones,
- 如果我像个消极者一样诠释世界,我大脑里的神经通路就会是消极的
- these in experience and I go immediately to the negative interpretation and that gets reinforced over time.
- 生活中的体验,我就会消极地进行诠释,然后随时间不断加强
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201907/589181.shtml