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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Then I could get a lot of work done,
  • 我就可以做很多事
  • because with squash, we were at the courts, you know trained physically for two hours but total three hours a day.
  • 因为打壁球时在球场上每天都要训练两到三小时
  • Weekends, we were travelling mostly or had matches at home.
  • 周末,我们经常要外出或在这里打比赛
  • Mornings, at least two mornings a week we were lifting weights or in the gym.
  • 早上,每周至少两个早晨我们要健身或者举重
  • So it was rough. A lot of work and I said I can't wait to have the freedom without squash,
  • 这很难捱,积了一大堆作业,我等不及获得没有壁球的自由
  • especially giving that I wasn't enjoying that much at that point.
  • 尤其是当时我还不是那么爱打壁球
  • Can't wait. Not to do anymore and just to focus on my classes. Catch up on all the readings and writings and stuff.
  • 等不及不再打壁球,专注于我的学习。追上阅读,写作之类的进度
  • March 1 came. I stopped playing completely.
  • 三月一号到来了,我彻底不再打球
  • And instead of becoming more productive. I became far less productive.
  • 但与高效学习相反,我反而效率变低很多
  • Now I see a lot of you nodding. The athletes know what I am talking about.
  • 我看到你们很多人点头,运动员们肯定都有同感
  • Why? Why did I become more, or rather less productive? Procrastination, wow! Skyrocketed.
  • 为什么,我的效率取决于什么?拖延,哇!突然升高
  • Why? Because for years I've been told I'm a person with self-discipline.
  • 为什么,因为许多年来大家都跟我说我是一个自律的人
  • And I started to believe it. Yeah, I have a lot of self-discipline. Look at me!
  • 而我也开始相信这一点。对,我确实很自律,看看我
  • I trained so hard. I worked, you know, when I played on the circus six hours a day.
  • 我刻苦地训练,训练,每天像杂耍一样地训练六个小时
  • That's a lot of self-discipline! And suddenly, the squash season ended.
  • 那可是非常的自律啊!然而突然间,壁球赛季结束了
  • And I said, "alright, let's see this discipline at work!"
  • 我说"好吧,看看这自律的作用吧!"
  • And I wasn't getting any work done. Why? Because I gave up my rituals.
  • 但我却什么也没做成。为什么,因为我的例行公事被打破了
  • You see, during the season, those of you who played varsity or very involved in music or club know that,
  • 在赛季中,你们那些在校队的,或是投身于音乐或社团的就知道
  • when you are investing a lot in a certain organization, your time has to be ritualized.
  • 当你在特定组织里投入很多时,你的时间必须例行化
  • So you know you are in practice then or you are in these hours, or you are having meetings at these hours.
  • 那样你就知道你在什么时候该训练,或学习。或者什么时候该开会
  • And after that you have to go back and work. Because you only have two hours to do. And you want to get an OK night sleep.
  • 那之后你就回去学习,因为你只有两个小时,而你又想睡个还算安稳的觉




重点单词   查看全部解释    
rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

procrastination [prəu,kræsti'neiʃən]


n. 耽搁,拖延

productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

discipline ['disiplin]


n. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科
vt. 训练,惩





