1. premature death 早逝
Gordon Brown wept in public last weekend when he spoke of facing up to the possible premature death of his son Fraser.
上周末,当英国首相戈登·布朗谈到自己可能早逝的儿子弗雷泽时,不禁当众拭泪 。
2. departure from 背离
If Apple ever does decide to let all iPhone apps be free, it would be a radical departure from its typical way of doing business.
如果Apple曾经决定使所有的iPhone应用免费的话,就彻底背离了典型的商业操作 。
3. lay the groundwork for 为……奠定基础
U. S. officials visited Beijing earlier this month to lay the groundwork for a resumption of American humanitarian aid.
美国官员本月早些时候访问北京,为恢复美国人道主义救援铺路 。
4. switch away from 脱离;抛弃
Families are to be encouraged to switch away from red meat and eat a vegetable-based diet to help combat climate change.
政府鼓励人们抛弃无肉不欢的饮食习惯,改为摄入以素食为主的膳食,帮助对抗全球气候变化 。
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