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来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We then walk down to my dad's car. He had a tur- old turquoise Ford Cortina.
  • 然后我们一起下楼走到我爸爸的车旁边。他当时有一辆老式的绿色福特跑天下
  • He takes shoe polish and paints the lights of the of the car.
  • 他把鞋油拿出来,涂在车前灯上
  • Why? Again later I know because at night when you drive with your lights on, you don't want the lights to be too bright in case of an air raid
  • 为什么呢?也是后来我才知道,因为在夜里开车的时候,你开着车灯,车灯不能太亮,以防会遭到空袭
  • So he paints the lights. And I watch him do all that.
  • 所以他涂了车灯,我就在一旁看着他
  • And then he picks me up and hugs me and says once again, I'll be back in a few days.
  • 然后他把我抱起来,又一次的抱着我说:我过几天就回来
  • He gets into his car. And I begin to sob uncontrollably.
  • 然后他上了车,我开始控制不住的哭泣
  • One of our neighbours whose name is Sharlon. He is too old to go into the army.
  • 我们的邻居沙龙,他年岁太高不能服役
  • So he is standing there. We all look at my dad going off in the car. He picks me up. And I'm crying.
  • 他站在一边,我们一起看着我爸爸开车走了,他把我抱起来,我还在哭
  • And he looks at me and says, Tal, do you want to be a soldier like Aba, like your dad when you grow up? And I say, Yes, I do.
  • 他看着我说:塔尔,你长大以后想和爸爸一样去当兵吗?我说我想
  • Well, soldiers don't cry. And I stopped crying.
  • 他说:那好,士兵是不会哭的。于是我不哭了
  • And I didn't cry for almost 20 years after that.
  • 之后将近20年,我再也没哭过
  • Then I came to Harvard. And I started to study psychology.
  • 我上了哈佛大学,我开始学心理学
  • You know where I'm going, right? I started to study psychology. And studying psychology,
  • 你们知道我要讲什么是吧?我开始学心理学。学心理学
  • I realized one of the things that I wanted to work on. One of the most important things that I wanted to work on was getting in touch with my feminine side,
  • 我知道自己想要做的,想要做的最重要的事情之一就是找到自己女性化的一面
  • knowing Jung's language, the Yin and the Yang; the anima the animus.
  • 用荣的话说,就是阴和阳;雌雄同体




重点单词   查看全部解释    
polish ['pɔliʃ]


n. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良
v. 擦亮,磨

turquoise ['tə:kwɔiz]


n. 绿松石,土耳其玉,蓝绿色 adj. 蓝绿色的





