The White House nominated Steve Dickson, a former executive at Delta Air Lines, to lead the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA is under pressure to explain its procedures for certifying Boeing’s 737 max 8, which has crashed twice within five months, killing hundreds of people. It has not had a permanent head since early 2018, in part because Donald Trump had mooted giving the job to his personal pilot.
白宫提名达美航空(Delta Air Lines)前高管史蒂夫·迪克森(Steve Dickson)为美国联邦航空管理局局长。美国联邦航空局(FAA)正面临压力,外界要求其对波音737 max 8飞机进行安全认证程序一事做出解释。该机型在5个月内遭遇两次坠毁,造成数百人遇难。自2018年初以来,美国联邦航空局一直没有固定的负责人,部分原因是特朗普曾提议将该职位交予其私人飞行员。
BMW said it expects annual profit this year to come in “well below” last year’s. Like others in the industry, the German carmaker is forking out for the technologies that are driving the transition to electric and self-driving vehicles; it unveiled a strategy this week to reduce its overheads.

Talks on resolving the trade dispute between America and China were set to resume, with the aim of signing a deal in late April. Senior American officials including Steven Mnuchin, the treasury secretary, are preparing to travel to Beijing for negotiations, followed by a reciprocal visit from a Chinese delegation led by Liu He, a vice-premier, to Washington. One of the sticking points is a timetable for unravelling the tariffs on goods that each side has imposed on the other.
有关解决中美贸易争端的谈判将于4月底重启,目的是在4月底签署一项协议。包括美国财政部长史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)在内的美国高级官员正准备前往北京进行谈判,随后由中国国务院副总理刘鹤率领的中国代表团将前往华盛顿。此次谈判的关键之一是制定一个解除双方对对方征收商品关税的时间表。
Tariffs imposed by the EU, China and others on American whiskey led to a sharp drop in exports in the second half of 2018, according to the Distilled Spirits Council. For the whole year exports rose by 5.1% to $1.2bn, a sharp drop from 2017.
The EUropean Commission slapped another antitrust fine on Google, this time for restricting rival advertisers on third-party websites. The 1.5bn EUros ($1.7bn) penalty is the third the commission has levied on the internet giant within two years, bringing the total to 8.3bn EUros.
Industrial action by French customs staff caused Eurostar to cancel trains on its London-Paris route. The workers want better pay, and also more people to check British passports after Brexit. A study by the British government has found that queues for the service could stretch for a mile if there is a no-deal Brexit, as Brits wait to get their new blue passports checked. Passengers got a taste of that this week, standing in line for up to five hours because of the go-slow.