1. dire consequences 严重的后果
Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit.
要花大力气教育青年,尤其让他们了解染上吸烟这一恶习的可怕后果 。
2. appeals court 上诉法院
At the time of his nomination he had been an appeals court judge for only two months.
获得提名之时,他才当了两个月的上诉法院法官 。
3. strike down 撤销;推翻
But he refused to strike down the new law in its entirety.
但是,他拒绝整体推翻新法案 。
4. on hold 搁置;等候执行
Since having the kids, my career has been put on hold.
因为生了孩子,我的事业就暂时搁置了 。
5. winds one's way through 蜿蜒
A path wound its way through the woods, leading us to the main road.
一条小道在林中蜿蜒绵亘,最终将我们领上了大路 。
6. take center stage 占据中心位置
President Bush says economic matters will take center stage in meetings this week with European leaders.
布什总统说,经济问题是他这次欧洲之行跟欧洲领导人讨论的核心问题 。
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