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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- So what he's saying here is that these effects can have consequences beyond just the peak experience
- 所以他的意思是说,如果我们做一些事后跟进的工作,那么会产生一些具有
- if we do certain thing such as follow up on it.
- 影响力的效果,而不仅仅是高峰体验
- William James in The Varieties of Religious Experiences talks about such moments that change lives and how they change lives.
- 威廉·詹姆斯在《宗教经验多样化》一书中谈到改变人生的时刻,以及它们怎样改变人生
- Peak experience can quite literally lead to a new brain order.
- 高峰体验可以创造新的大脑结构
- And again the jury still out on the research. But there's more and more suggestions. And we'll talk about it next time as well
- 虽然相关问题仍待研究。但已有越来越多的迹象显示这是有迹可寻的,
- that show that there is something there, that it can be the positive equivalent of a trauma if we know what we do, to do with it.
- 如果我们知道该怎么做,高峰体验可以产生和创伤相对应的正面效应,下次我们会详细讲这部分的内容
- And here's the important issue.
- 现在我们要说一个很关键的问题
- The question is first do we experience peak experiences and experience more of them?
- 首先,我们会有高峰体验吗?我们能有更多的高峰体验吗
- And second, after we experience peak experience, how can we make it more likely that we enjoy PPEO?
- 其次,在我们经历了高峰体验之后我们怎样做才能获得高峰体验后通路
- Because just like not everyone after a trauma experience PTSD.
- 因为正如同,并不是所有人都会经历创伤后应激障碍
- In fact, the majority don't. Just in the same way, most people don't experience PPEO after a peak experience.
- 事实上大部分人没有,同样,大部分人在高峰体验过后
- How do you increase the likelihood, first of increasing peak experience
- 并未获得高峰体验后通路怎样增加,首先是高峰体验发生的概率
- and second of increasing the likelihood of post peak experience order.
- 其次是高峰体验后通路的概率
- So to enhance peak experience, just very briefly because essentially the course is about that.
- 因此,怎么增强高峰体验,这堂课基本上讲的就是关于这个内容
- So I'm gonna just throw out a few ideas that we've talked about and some that we'll talk about.
- 现在我要讲几个概念,当中有我们以前讲过的,也有之后要讲的
- First, permission to be human. Acceptance, accepting emotions. Why?
- 首先,全然为人,接纳,接纳你的情绪。为什么呢
- Because if we don't accept painful emotions,
- 因为如果我们不能接受
- if we don't give ourselves permission to be human, we're blocking our emotional pathways.
- 痛苦的情绪,如果我们不能让自己全然为人的,我们就阻断了自己的情绪通路
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201903/581840.shtml