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  • Luke Perry 1966-2019 Farewell to a Beautiful Soul
  • 卢克·贝里(1966-2019):再见了,美丽的灵魂
  • The Beverly Hills, 90210 star's death sent shock waves through hollywood, as loved ones reveal the private side of the man they lost too soon
  • 这位《比佛利山庄90210号》男星的离世震惊了整个好莱坞,亲人们透露了他们痛失的那个男人不为人知的一面
  • Nearly two decades after Luke Perry's seminal television series Beverly Hills, 90210 went off the air, his friendships with his former costars endured.
  • 在卢克·佩里(Luke Perry)的开创性电视剧《比佛利山庄90210号》停播近20年后,他与此前合作演员的友谊依然如故。
  • Just last week he texted with close pal Tori Spelling and caught up with Jennie Garth, proudly sharing with her a photo of his 18-year-old daughter Sophie, who had recently embarked on a volunteer trip to Malawi.
  • 就在上周,他给好友托里·斯佩林发了短信,联系上了珍妮·加斯(Jennie Garth),并自豪地与她分享了一张18岁女儿苏菲(Sophie)的照片,苏菲最近刚刚出发去马拉维做志愿者。
  • It would be the last time they would speak with him. On March 4 Perry died at age 52 following a massive stroke, leaving his family, friends and fans reeling from the shock.
  • 这是她们最后一次和他说话。3月4日,佩里因中风去世,享年52岁,他的家人、朋友和粉丝都沉浸在震惊之中。
  • "The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers that have been extended to Luke from around the world, and respectfully request privacy in this time of great mourning," read an official statement.
  • 一份官方声明中写道:“家人感谢世界各地对卢克的支持和祈祷,并在这个悲痛的时刻尊重他的隐私。”
  • Perry suffered the stroke on Feb. 27 and remained hospitalized for five days, but according to a source close to the situation, "Luke never regained consciousness. He was gone, basically, by the time he got to the hospital."
  • 佩里于2月27日中风,在医院住了五天,但据知情人士透露,“卢克再也没有恢复意识。基本上,当他到医院的时候,就已经走了。”
  • The actor died surrounded by his parents, siblings, fiancée Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp and their two children, 21-year-old Jack and Sophie, who rushed home from Africa as soon as she heard about her father's condition.
  • 这位演员在父母、兄弟姐妹、未婚妻温迪·麦迪逊·鲍尔(Wendy Madison Bauer)、前妻明妮·夏普(Minnie Sharp)以及他们的两个孩子21岁的杰克(Jack)和苏菲(Sophie)的陪伴下去世。苏菲一听到她爸爸的病情就赶紧回来了。
  • Now his devastated family is left picking up the pieces, as no one can quite fathom saying goodbye to a man who, despite his fame, remained unflinchingly loyal and disarmingly humble, as recognizable for his captivating grin as for his love of a well-worn pair of Levis.
  • 如今,他满目疮疤的家庭只能收拾残片,没有人能完全理解告别这个男人的原因。尽管他名声显赫,但他依然十分忠诚谦逊,就像他迷人的笑容和他对一双旧列维鞋的爱一样出名。
  • "Luke was the most incredible friend. He was an old-school man. Stand-up and straight-shooting," Patricia Arquette, a longtime friend, said in a statement.
  • “卢克是最好的朋友。他是个老派的人,正直坦白。”他的老朋友帕特里夏阿奎特(Patricia Arquette)在一份声明中说。
  • "He was a great talent and was a strong and stalwart man, and they will never make another like him."
  • “他是个很有才能的人,又强壮又结实,他们永远也成为不了像他这样的人。”
  • Adds her sister Rosanna to People: "Luke was generous and kind, truly a beautiful soul."
  • 她的姐姐罗珊娜对《人物》杂志补充道:“卢克慷慨善良,真是个美丽的灵魂。”
  • Coy Luther Perry III was born and raised in the village of Fredericktown, Ohio, to Coy Sr., a steel-worker, and Ann, a homemaker.
  • 柯伊·路德·佩里三世出生在俄亥俄州弗雷德里克斯镇的一个村庄,父亲大柯伊是一名钢铁工人,母亲安是一名家庭主妇。


Luke Perry 1966-2019 Farewell to a Beautiful Soul


The Beverly Hills, 90210 star's death sent shock waves through hollywood, as loved ones reveal the private side of the man they lost too soon


Nearly two decades after Luke Perry's seminal television series Beverly Hills, 90210 went off the air, his friendships with his former costars endured.

在卢克·佩里(Luke Perry)的开创性电视剧《比佛利山庄90210号》停播近20年后,他与此前合作演员的友谊依然如故。

Just last week he texted with close pal Tori Spelling and caught up with Jennie Garth, proudly sharing with her a photo of his 18-year-old daughter Sophie, who had recently embarked on a volunteer trip to Malawi.

就在上周,他给好友托里·斯佩林发了短信,联系上了珍妮·加斯(Jennie Garth),并自豪地与她分享了一张18岁女儿苏菲(Sophie)的照片,苏菲最近刚刚出发去马拉维做志愿者。

It would be the last time they would speak with him. On March 4 Perry died at age 52 following a massive stroke, leaving his family, friends and fans reeling from the shock.


"The family appreciates the outpouring of support and prayers that have been extended to Luke from around the world, and respectfully request privacy in this time of great mourning," read an official statement.



Perry suffered the stroke on Feb. 27 and remained hospitalized for five days, but according to a source close to the situation, "Luke never regained consciousness. He was gone, basically, by the time he got to the hospital."


The actor died surrounded by his parents, siblings, fiancée Wendy Madison Bauer, ex-wife Minnie Sharp and their two children, 21-year-old Jack and Sophie, who rushed home from Africa as soon as she heard about her father's condition.

这位演员在父母、兄弟姐妹、未婚妻温迪·麦迪逊·鲍尔(Wendy Madison Bauer)、前妻明妮·夏普(Minnie Sharp)以及他们的两个孩子21岁的杰克(Jack)和苏菲(Sophie)的陪伴下去世。苏菲一听到她爸爸的病情就赶紧回来了。

Now his devastated family is left picking up the pieces, as no one can quite fathom saying goodbye to a man who, despite his fame, remained unflinchingly loyal and disarmingly humble, as recognizable for his captivating grin as for his love of a well-worn pair of Levis.


"Luke was the most incredible friend. He was an old-school man. Stand-up and straight-shooting," Patricia Arquette, a longtime friend, said in a statement.

“卢克是最好的朋友。他是个老派的人,正直坦白。”他的老朋友帕特里夏阿奎特(Patricia Arquette)在一份声明中说。

"He was a great talent and was a strong and stalwart man, and they will never make another like him."


Adds her sister Rosanna to People: "Luke was generous and kind, truly a beautiful soul."


Coy Luther Perry III was born and raised in the village of Fredericktown, Ohio, to Coy Sr., a steel-worker, and Ann, a homemaker.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
recognizable ['rekəgnaizəbl]


adj. 可认识的,可承认的,可辨别的

devastated ['devəsteitid]


adj. 毁坏的;极为震惊的 v. 毁坏;摧毁(deva

source [sɔ:s]


n. 发源地,来源,原始资料

grin [grin]


v. 露齿而笑,(以咧嘴笑来)表示
n. 露齿

reveal [ri'vi:l]


vt. 显示,透露
n. (外墙与门或窗之间的

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

extended [iks'tendid]


adj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

massive ['mæsiv]


adj. 巨大的,大规模的,大量的,大范围的

farewell ['fɛə'wel]


adj. 告别的
int. 再会,别了





