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- Along the emotion, experiencing the emotion, and just breathing through it.
- 随着情绪,感受情绪在这个过程中呼吸吐纳
- And very often when we do that, not always, but very often, it dissolves.
- 虽然不一定总会这样,但是很多时候,如此一来,情绪就消解了
- And with it, with the emotional dissolution of the emotion comes also the psychological dissolution of this painful emotion.
- 随着这种情绪的消解,令人痛苦的情感也得到了心理解离
- Again we'll talk much, much more about this very important intervention after spring break.
- 还是那句话,春假回来以后,我们会谈到很多关于这个疗法的内容
- This is about gradual change. What we'll see when we talk about research is that
- 这就是渐进式的变化。在我们待会说到研究报告的时候,大家会发现
- even if this is gradual change, within as little as 8 weeks of regular meditation, our brain actually starts to change its form to transform.
- 即便这种渐进式变化,只是短短的8周的日常冥想,我们的大脑也会开始改变形状
- Our immune system strengthens after as little as 8 weeks of regular daily meditation.
- 我们的免疫系统得到增强,即便只有短短8周的日常冥想
- It doesn't have to be 5 hours a day. As little as 30 minutes or 20 minutes a day can already affect change.
- 而且不一定是一天5小时的冥想。有时候就是一天30或20分钟已经足以带来变化
- This is gradual, slow, hopefully something that you'll take up as a life time, life long intervention.
- 这个过程是循序渐渐的,缓慢的,希望大家可以用一生去实践这是一个终身疗法
- Here is an example of more acute change when it comes to our emotion.
- 下面的例子是从突发变化的角度分析我们的情感
- So when I thought about filling in this box in the 3 by 2 model, how do I find the acute emotional change?
- 所以当我想填满这个3乘2模型的方盒子,我应该怎么去找情感突发式变化的
- Immediately my mind went to research in clinical psychology, specifically to post-traumatic stress disorder.
- 案例呢?我立刻想到了一个临床心理学研究是关于创伤后应激障碍的
- Post-traumatic stress disorder, something that has been studied thousands and thousands of articles; research done in our department too.
- 有成千上万的文章都是关于创伤后应激障碍,我们系也做了相关的研究
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201903/580730.shtml