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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- What that means is what we do, how we act, what we think about, how we interpret the world, what we focus on.
- 意向活动包括我们的所作所为所想,我们对世界的诠释,和我们关注的焦点
- In essence, what 1504 is about.
- 简而言之,就是这门课的内容
- What we have discussed since the first class, what we're gonna discuss even more in the second half of the semester.
- 包括我们从第一节课开始讨论的内容,以及下半学期我们将要讨论的内容
- These intentional activities, our focus, these are essentially our ABCs.
- 这些意向活动,我们关注的焦点其实就是我们的ABC
- This is what real meaningful change comes. And this is where we are gonna focus.
- 这也是产生有意义的变化的根源。是我们将要关注的重点
- Would be nice if we could do something with our genes.
- 如果我们能改变遗传基因,当然很好
- Would be nice. Cannot. Would be nice if we had more control of our external circumstances. But even if we did and many people do.
- 是很好,但是不可能,如果我们能更好的控制外部环境。当然很好,但是即便是我们能控制
- Many people sitting in this room or watching at home, do have more control doesn't make that much of the difference.
- 结果也不会被改变,虽然在场的或是在家看视频的人中,有很多的确
- What makes the most difference that we have control over are the internal activities, our interpretation of the world and our action.
- 能更好的控制外部环境能改变结果的,能被我们所掌控的是内部活动,是我们对世界的诠释和我们的行动
- So let's jump into it.
- 好,现在我们就开始讲
- The A, affect, emotion, the heart, it's a connection between, and it's a more logical connection,
- 这部分的内容 A,情感,情绪,是一种连接,更多的是从逻辑上,
- linguistic connection between emotion, motivation, motion.
- 语言上将情感,动力,动作连接起来
- E-motion to move away. Without emotion we wouldn't move.
- 情感,感动,移动,没有情感
- You read about it in the book. Or you will read about it in the book about Elliott, the person who Damasio research
- 我们将寸步难行,你们在书中读到了或者之后会读到,关于埃利奥特的故事,达马西奥做了关于他研究
- who just lost his emotional faculty and with it lost all motivation to act or do anything even though his cognition was in place.
- 埃利奥特失去了情感功能并随之丧失了行动做事的所有动力,尽管他还有认知能力
- We need emotion in order to move.
- 我们要行动就必须要情感
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201903/579409.shtml