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哈佛大学《幸福课》 >
- In order to change habit, in order to bring about lasting change,
- 为了能改变习惯,产生永久性的变化
- we need to have as much of a solid approach as much, um, force in the intervention.
- 我们不仅需要一种稳定的变化模式也同样需要一种外部介入的力量
- It's not just enough to focus on the emotions. It's not just enough to focus on action.
- 仅仅把注意力放在情感上是不够的,放在行动上也是不够的
- It's not enough just to focus on our thinking.
- 放在思维上也是不够的
- We want to focus on the three. The A, the B and the C.
- 我们要对三元素同时下功夫。A B和C三元素
- It's... Think about it. It's like a habit can be looked as a flood.
- 大家可以想想看,就好象,我们把习惯看成一股洪流
- There's flood in our mind of certain neurons firing in certain neuron pathway.
- 一股我们思维的洪流,这股洪流是由来自不同通路的神经元构成的
- And what we want to do is to overcome this flood. And to overcome this flood we need as much force as we can,
- 我们现在要做的是对抗这股洪流。为了做到这点,我们需要足够大的外力
- therefore we want to use as many approaches as we can.
- 因此我们要尝试尽可能多的方法
- Before we jump into the A, one more thing — what do we want to change?
- 在我们讲A元素之前,我再问一个问题,我们想改变什么
- What can we change? And what can we not change?
- 我们能改变什么?不能改变什么
- So according to researchers led by the lights of Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ed Diener,
- 以柳博米尔斯基·迪纳等人为首的研究者宣称
- happiness comprises... as we're to explain an individual's happiness, we need to look at the three factors. The first factor
- 快乐是由三部分构成的,在我们试图分析一个人的幸福感时,我们需要研究三个因素。第一个因素
- is the genetic set range, not genetic set point, it's a range. We're all born with certain predisposition toward happiness and well-being.
- 是遗传排列,不是遗传点,而是排列。我们都生来具备一些特定的快乐和健康倾向性体质
- Some people are born more with... you know the smiley face with the smiley spoon in their mouth; others less so.
- 有些人生来就是一张笑脸,嘴里含着"笑汤匙",另一些人则不然
- And we're all somewhere on this, you know bell curve, some people luckier than others.
- 我们都排列在这条钟形曲线上,有些人注定比其他人更幸运
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201902/579405.shtml