1.right now 就是现在,马上
How I wish I could go there right now.
我恨不得马上去那儿 。
2.be unable to 不能做某事
The other broker will have no record of this conversation in its transaction store, and so it will be unable to continue any conversations started by the crashed broker.
另一个代理的事务存储中将没有这个对话的任何记录,因此它将不能继续由已崩溃的代理启动的任何对话 。
3.in the back of 在……后面;在……之后
Jeanine and I were together again, this time with a baby seat in the back of the car.
我和珍妮又在一起了,所不同的是,这次我们的汽车后座上多了一个婴儿座位 。
4.to the end 到底;始终;直到最后
This will always add to the end of the sequence.
此实例将始终添加到序列的末尾 。
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